Often, sheer force of effort can help a rickety system achieve high availability, but this path is usually short-lived and fraught with burnout and dependence on a small number of heroic team members. They make it easy to scale horizontally by adding more machines. Cloud computing is about delivering an on demand environment using transparency, monitoring, and security. One is network round-trip time and the other is time it takes to write data to persistent storage, which will be examined later. The Google File System is essentially a distributed file storage which offers dependable and effective data access using inexpensive commodity servers. Figure 2.2 describes the data model of BigTable. It also unnecessarily increases operational load on the engineers who run the system, and human intervention scales poorly. Frequency of planned maintenance affecting the system, A rack in a datacenter served by a single power supply, Several racks in a datacenter that are served by one piece of networking, A datacenter that could be rendered unavailable by a fiber optic cable cut, A set of datacenters in a single geographic area that could all be affected by a single natural disaster such as a hurricane. Another method starts with a proof of concept. Replicated datastores have the advantage that the data is available in multiple places, meaning that if strong consistency is not required for all reads, data could be read from any replica. With six replicas, a quorum requires four replicas: only 33% of the replicas can be unavailable if the system is to remain live. Longer-running processes are quite likely to be correlated with location if software releases are performed on a per-datacenter basis. We are most interested in the write throughput of the underlying storage layer. HDFS and MapReduce were codesigned, developed, and deployed to work together. The reference model for the distributed file system is the, Energy Efficiency in Data Centers and Clouds, An efficient storage mechanism for big data is an essential part of the modern datacenters. Lessons Learned from Other Industries, Appendix B. Step 1: Splitting, Step 2: Mapping (distribution), Step 3: Shuffling and sorting, Step 4: Reducing (parallelizing), and Step 5: Aggregating. When and why will I be able to ignore this alert, and how can I avoid this scenario? Bigtable can handle data storage in the scale of petabytes using thousands of servers, A storage system developed by Facebook to store large-scale structured data across multiple commodity servers. Network round-trip times vary enormously depending on source and destination location, which are impacted both by the physical distance between the source and the destination, and by the amount of congestion on the network. Unless youre performing security auditing on very narrowly scoped components of a system, you should never trigger an alert simply because "something seems a bit weird.". A typical file size is 100MB/per file. This enables the master node to have a complete view of file system and make sophisticated data placement and partitioning strategies [24]. Figure 23-1 illustrates a simple model of how a group of processes can achieve a consistent view of system state through distributed consensus. If the system in question is a single cluster of processes, the cost of running replicas is probably not a large consideration. Monitoring Distributed Systems. Space fragmentation occurs infrequently as the chunk of a small file and the last chunk of a large file are only partially filled. A common theme connects the previous examples of Bigtable and Gmail: a tension between short-term and long-term availability. Communication and Collaboration in SRE, 33. This chapter offers guidelines for what issues should interrupt a human via a page, and how to deal with issues that arent serious enough to trigger a page. Unwillingness on the part of your team to automate such pages implies that the team lacks confidence that they can clean up their technical debt. To find out which one is the bottleneck, we have to consult latency numbers on CPU cache and main memory access. Users process the data in bulk and are less concerned with the response time. Latency then becomes proportional to the time taken to send two messages and for a quorum of processes to execute a synchronous write to disk in parallel. Conditions Satisfied by the Logical Clock system: For any events a and b, if a -> b, then C (a) < C (b). The cluster elects a leader, which performs coordination. Site Reliability Engineers need to anticipate these sorts of failures and develop strategies to keep systems running in spite of them. At Google, we use a method called non-abstract large system design (NALSD). An example of vertical scaling is MySQL, as you scale by switching from smaller to bigger machines. Sending two kilobytes over a 10 Gb/s network takes 1.6 microseconds, or 1600 nanoseconds. Chapter 7 - The Evolution of Automation at Google, Copyright 2017 Google, Inc. The simplest way to differentiate between a slow average and a very slow "tail" of requests is to collect request counts bucketed by latencies (suitable for rendering a histogram), rather than actual latencies: how many requests did I serve that took between 0 ms and 10 ms, between 10 ms and 30 ms, between 30 ms and 100 ms, between 100 ms and 300 ms, and so on? 13. When pages occur too frequently, employees second-guess, skim, or even ignore incoming alerts, sometimes even ignoring a "real" page thats masked by the noise. Collecting per-second measurements of CPU load might yield interesting data, but such frequent measurements may be very expensive to collect, store, and analyze. From our companys beginning, Google has had to deal with both issues in our pursuit of organizing the worlds information and making it universally accessible and useful. This approach can allow read optimizations, as the leader has the most up-to-date state, but also has several problems: Almost all distributed consensus systems that have been designed with performance in mind use either the single stable leader pattern or a system of rotating leadership in which each numbered distributed consensus algorithm is preassigned to a replica (usually by a simple modulus of the transaction ID). Genuinely distributed, in our view, means: Systems where nodes are distributed globally. If changes are made to a single chunk, the changes are automatically replicated to all the mirrored copies. However, setting up a new TCP/IP connection requires a network round trip to perform the three-way handshake that sets up a connection before any data can be sent or received. The service needs to avoid writing data simultaneously to both file servers in a set, because doing so could result in data corruption (and possibly unrecoverable data). Consider a system that spans North America and Europe: it is impossible to locate replicas equidistant from each other because there will always be a longer lag for transatlantic traffic than for intracontinental traffic. There are two kinds of major workloads: large streaming reads and small random reads. In many systems, read operations vastly outnumber writes, so this reliance on either a distributed operation or a single replica harms latency and system throughput. Workloads can vary in many ways and understanding how they can vary is critical to discussing performance. The master server maintains six types of the GFS metadata, which are: (1) namespace; (2) access control information; (3) mapping from files to chunks (data); (4) current locations of chunks or data; (5) system activities (eg, chunk lease management, garbage collection of orphaned chunks, and chunk migration between chunk servers); (6) master communication of each chunk server in heartbeat messages. Log writes must be flushed directly to disk, but writes for state changes can be written to a memory cache and flushed to disk later, reordered to use the most efficient schedule [Bol11]. There is, however, a resource cost associated with running a higher number of replicas. Paxos operates as a sequence of proposals, which may or may not be accepted by a majority of the processes in the system. This allows for greater flexibility and scalability than a traditional system that is housed on a single machine. In the case of a consensus system, workload may vary in terms of: Deployment strategies vary, too. A leader election algorithm might favor processes that have been running longer. The inefficiencies presented by idle replicas can be solved by pipelining, which allows multiple proposals to be in-flight at once. Many organizations utilize distributed systems to power content delivery network services. An added bonus of these flashcards is that they can be used as an entertaining, on-the-spot quiz for fellow site reliability engineers (SREs), or as a preparation tool for an NALSD interview with Googles SRE team. Voil! Googles scale is not an Signals that are collected, but not exposed in any prebaked dashboard nor used by any alert, are candidates for removal. Over a wide area network, leaderless protocols like Mencius or Egalitarian Paxos may have a performance edge, particularly if the consistency constraints of the application mean that it is possible to execute read-only operations on any system replica without performing a consensus operation. Base paper ppt-. All important production systems need monitoring, in order to detect outages or problems and for troubleshooting. One way involves growing systems organicallycomponents are rewritten or redesigned as the system handles more requests. Googles remote cache is called ObjFS. Has a message been successfully committed to a distributed queue? The data model includes rows, columns, and corresponding timestamps, with all of the data stored in the cells. For users, an AIO machine can be installed quickly and easily, and can satisfy users needs via standard interfaces and simple operations. The architecture of a GFS cluster; the master maintains state information about all system components. The main requirement for big data storage is file systems that is the foundation for applications in higher levels. Data are maintained in lexicographic order by row key. Weve summarized the main design considerations below. These AIO solutions have many shortcomings, too, though, including expensive hardware, large energy consumption, expensive system service fees, and the required purchase of a whole system when upgrade is needed. Batch-oriented systems are also less affected by latency: operation batch sizes can be increased to increase throughput. Every time the pager goes off, I should be able to react with a sense of urgency. On the other hand, if the missing majority of members included the leader, no strong guarantees can be made regarding how up-to-date the remaining replicas are. Another possible optimization is batching multiple client operations together into one operation at the proposer ([Ana13], [Bol11], [Cha07], [Jun11], [Mao08], [Mor12a]). A tablet can have a maximum of one server that runs it and there may be periods of time in which it is not assigned to any server, and therefore cannot be reached by the client application. The reference model for the distributed file system is the Google File System [54], which features a highly scalable infrastructure based on commodity hardware. Designing systems using NALSD can be a bit daunting at first, so in this post, we introduce a nifty strategy to make things easier: flashcards. As such, the comparatively large size for the chunks was not chosen by chance. Using a strong leader process is optimal in terms of the number of messages to be passed, and is typical of many consensus protocols. For the first example, say you have a server designed to store images. In order to guarantee that data being read is up-to-date and consistent with any changes made before the read is performed, it is necessary to do one of the following: Quorum leases [Mor14] are a recently developed distributed consensus performance optimization aimed at reducing latency and increasing throughput for read operations. We describe how you can use flashcards to connect the most important numbers around constrained resources when designing distributed systems. One approach is to spread the replicas as evenly as possible, with similar RTTs between all replicas. Googles SRE teams have some basic principles and best practices for building successful monitoring and alerting systems. Consider the characteristics of applications, support file append operations, optimize sequential read and write speeds. In order to maintain robustness of the system, it is important that these replicas do catch up. Distributed systems can be challenging to deploy and maintain, but there are many benefits to this design. RSMs are the fundamental building block of useful distributed systems components and services such as data or configuration storage, locking, and leader election (described in more detail later). As shown in Figure 23-11, if a system simply routes client read requests to the nearest replica, then a large spike in load concentrated in one region may overwhelm the nearest replica, and then the next-closest replica, and so onthis is cascading failure (see Addressing Cascading Failures). 25Zero-redundancy (N + 0) situations count as imminent, as do "nearly full" parts of your service! Embedding an SRE to Recover from Operational Overload, 31. Every page response should require intelligence. If you can only measure four metrics of your user-facing system, focus on these four. As proven by the Dijkstra Prizewinning FLP impossibility result [Fis85], no asynchronous distributed consensus algorithm can guarantee progress in the presence of an unreliable network. CloudStore allows client access from C++, Java, and Python. It is widely deployed within Google as the storage platform for the generation and processing of data used by our service as well as research and development efforts that require large data sets. Processes crash or may need to be restarted. No matter what, transactions from one region will need to make a transatlantic round trip in order to reach consensus. Are other people getting paged for this issue, therefore rendering at least one of the pages unnecessary? Scaling read workload is often critical because many workloads are read-heavy. In this scenario, a centralized storage node, or a pool of storage nodes, can constitute an appropriate solution. The most critical decisions system designers must make when deploying a consensus-based system concern the number of replicas to be deployed and the location of those replicas. Load Balancing in Cloud Computing Environment: A Comparative Study of Service System models for distributed and cloud computing, A load balancing model based on cloud partitioning, An Efficient Decentralized Load Balancing Algorithm in Cloud Computing, Replication in Distributed Real Time Database. Zookeeper [Hun10] was the first open source consensus system to gain traction in the industry because it was easy to use, even with applications that werent designed to use distributed consensus. Stephen Bonner, Georgios Theodoropoulos, in Software Architecture for Big Data and the Cloud, 2017. Horizontal scaling means adding more servers into your pool of resources. A typical deployment for Zookeeper or Chubby uses five replicas, so a majority quorum requires three replicas. Human operators can also err, or perform sabotage causing data loss. In the healthcare industry, distributed systems are being used for storing and accessing and telemedicine. As for large-scale distributed databases, mainstream NoSQL databasessuch as HBase and Cassandramainly provide high scalability support and make some sacrifices in consistency and availability, as well as lacking traditional RDBMS ACID semantics and transaction support. Horizontal-scaling is easier to scale dynamically, and vertical-scaling is limited to the capacity of a single server. A barrier in a distributed computation is a primitive that blocks a group of processes from proceeding until some condition is met (for example, until all parts of one phase of a computation are completed). Network Semantics for Verifying Distributed Systems. Even with substantial existing infrastructure for instrumentation, collection, display, and alerting in place, a Google SRE team with 1012 members typically has one or sometimes two members whose primary assignment is to build and maintain monitoring systems for their service. ppt, Load Balancing in Parallel and Distributed Database. Vertical scaling means scaling by adding more power (CPU, RAM, Storage, etc.) CloudStore is an open source C++ implementation of GFS. Several revolutionary applications have been built on the distributed ledgers of blockchain (BC) technology. Megastore uses synchronous replication to achieve high availability and consistent view of the data. Finally, the GFS flexibility is increased by balancing the benefits between GFS applications and file system API. As with datastores built with other underlying technologies, consensus-based datastores can provide a variety of consistency semantics for read operations, which make a huge difference to how the datastore scales. The Production Environment at Google, from the Viewpoint of an SRE, 15. Email alerts were triggered as the SLO approached, and paging alerts were triggered when the SLO was exceeded. However, some commands may not be delivered due to the compromised network. Cassandra is a decentralized database that provide high availability, scalability, and fault tolerance, A distributed database designed for structured data storage and provided by Amazon as the Web service, Apache CouchDB is document-based storage system where JavaScript is used to query and manipulate the documents. A system has a component that performs indexing and searching services. If a five-instance Raft system loses all of its members except for its leader, the leader is still guaranteed to have full knowledge of all committed decisions. The distributed consensus problem deals with reaching agreement among a group of processes connected by an unreliable communications network. Hadoop scales very well, and relatively cheaply, so you do not have to accurately predict the data size at the outset. This amortizes the fixed costs of the disk logging and network latency over the larger number of operations, increasing throughput. Because this book focuses on the engineering domains in which SRE has particular expertise, we wont discuss these applications of monitoring here. An efficient storage mechanism for big data is an essential part of the modern datacenters. Combining these logs avoids the need to constantly alternate between writing to two different physical locations on disk [Bol11], reducing the time spent on seek operations. The master controls a large number of chunk servers; it maintains metadata such as the file names, access control information, the location of all the replicas for every chunk of each file, and the state of individual chunk servers. Data collection, aggregation, and alerting configuration that is rarely exercised (e.g., less than once a quarter for some SRE teams) should be up for removal. Raft [Ong14], for example, has a well-thought-out method of approaching the leader election process. The master periodically checks whether the servers still have the lock on their files. Dan C. Marinescu, in Cloud Computing (Second Edition), 2018. Compared with relational databases, they have a great advantage in scalability, concurrency, and fault tolerance. In a system that uses a stable leader process (as many distributed consensus implementations do), the leader can provide this guarantee. Therefore, design your monitoring system with an eye toward simplicity. Proposers must use unique sequence numbers (drawing from disjoint sets, or incorporating their hostname into the sequence number, for instance). Its performance is high as the The operations on an RSM are ordered globally through a consensus algorithm. Data management is an important aspect of any distributed system, even in computing clouds. Locks are another useful coordination primitive that can be implemented as an RSM. Implementing the queue as an RSM can minimize the risk, and make the entire system far more robust. For instance, if all of the clients using a consensus system are running within a particular failure domain (say, the New York area) and deploying a distributed consensusbased system across a wider geographical area would allow it to remain serving during outages in that failure domain (say, Hurricane Sandy), is it worth it? The consensus algorithm deals with agreement on the sequence of operations, and the RSM executes the operations in that order. Lessons from Google on Distributed Storage System. Over the long haul, achieving a successful on-call rotation and product includes choosing to alert on symptoms or imminent real problems, adapting your targets to goals that are actually achievable, and making sure that your monitoring supports rapid diagnosis. This practice is an industry standard method of reducing split-brain instances, although as we shall see, it is conceptually unsound. If multiple processes detect that there is no leader and all attempt to become leader at the same time, then none of the processes is likely to succeed (again, dueling proposers). It provides fault tolerance while running on inexpensive commodity hardware, and it delivers Executing this phase establishes a new numbered view, or leader term. At a press conference, he mentioned that the Google Distributed Cloud system is a fully-managed portfolio consisting of hardware and software. Messaging systems usually also implement a publish-subscribe queue, where messages may be consumed by many clients that subscribe to a channel or topic. Distributed Systems: It provides distributed applications with the basic file transfer facility and abstracts the use of a specific protocol to end users and other components of the system, which are dynamically configured at runtime according to the facilities installed in the cloud. The client sends the write request to the primary chunk server once it has received the acknowledgments from all chunk servers holding replicas of the chunk. Observing CPU load over the time span of a minute wont reveal even quite long-lived spikes that drive high tail latencies. Characteristics of Distributed System: Resource Sharing: It is the ability to use any Hardware, Software, or Data anywhere in the System. Designing Distributed Systems: Google Cas Study. This limitation is true for most distributed consensus algorithms. For paging, black-box monitoring has the key benefit of forcing discipline to only nag a human when a problem is both already ongoing and contributing to real symptoms. (Synchronous consensus applies to real-time systems, in which dedicated hardware means that messages will always be passed with specific timing guarantees.). In the case of a network partition that splits the cluster, each side (incorrectly) elects a master and accepts writes and deletions, leading to a split-brain scenario and data corruption. This is an incredibly powerful distributed systems concept and very useful in designing practical systems. Timestamps are highly problematic in distributed systems because its impossible to guarantee that clocks are synchronized across multiple machines. Many systems batch multiple operations into a single transaction at the acceptor to increase throughput. Print the document, preferably on thick paper. Googles scale is not an advantage here: in fact, our scale is more of a disadvantage because it introduces two main challenges: our datasets tend to be large and our systems run over a wide geographical distance. Hadoop adoptiona bit of a hurdle to clearis worth it when the unstructured data to be managed (considering history, too) reaches dozens of terabytes. Google Distributed System: Design Strategy Google has diversified and as well as providing a search engine is now a major player in cloud computing. One region will need to make a transatlantic round trip in order to outages... System with an eye toward simplicity system in question is a single transaction at acceptor! May not be delivered due to the capacity of a GFS cluster ; the periodically... Essentially a distributed file storage which offers dependable and effective data access using commodity! The modern datacenters and consistent view of the modern datacenters hardware and software majority of the disk and... 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