what is metaphysical spirituality

Pink is a gentle color that represents spiritual balance. Phobias are abnormal, irrational fears. These seven core laws describe a code of ethics or morals to those who study metaphysics that is supposed to help them find their way in life and to be happy and successful. on October 23, 2022 in Understanding Hypnosis. Because they accept belief and faith instead of physical evidence. Mantras: Mantra is a sacred sound (word) of power, which can be recited in a controlled and correct manner with great spiritual benefits for the person and for others provided that this is accompanied by the correct concentration. People with ASD have a half-hybrid energy set: either half of a rainbow energy set, or half of the crystal energy set, or half of the indigo energy set. Yes, it is about finding gold. Metaphysics: This is a philosophical science that studies the visible and invisible worlds using both conventional and unconventional methods to try to determine who we are, where we came from and how and why the cosmos operates the way it does. Its important to stress that terrestrial human beings also have an etheric body which is the blue print of the physical body, but they are not normally conscious of it and hence cannot experience it consciously or with full memory in the physical brain. The first three freedoms give the fundamentals leading to a life of service. Research also finds some downsides, however, such as increased levels of guilt and shame in stricter religious communities. There are several different gradations of etheric matter, this being the material that forms the human chakras. Blessings 7 and 8 refer to the fact that the soul principle (i.e., the logos) of the Earth and the Sun are intelligent living beings as much as we are, and that they are greater than us in the hierarchical cosmic scheme. This of course has also to do with re-incarnation, as far as we are concerned on Earth. The critical mass we've reached in 1996 started in 1987-88, with an event called The Harmonic Convergence. She is also the author of several childrens books and Soul WindowsSecrets From The Divine. As human communities grew, a belief in gods who could punish wrongdoers or support agriculture also took hold, an idea that still holds great power today. In this metaphysics, spirituality and science are seen as two facets of the same thing, which involves recognizing a ground where the spiritual and the physical, in addition to the psychological, are seen to be meaningfully related. Consciousness is a mystery that necessitates such a romantic approach. Spiritual fasting for health is how you remove those basic earthly things . Fasting is an act of discipline and self-control. Even as religious affiliation decreases, though, a sense of spiritual identification could remain steady or even increase. A being of love, light, and creative potential who is one with one's self. Peak experiences make for interesting stories, but living deliberately and curiously makes for an interesting life. For metaphysical background on the Post-Truth Era go here. Does Buddhism Believe In Heaven? Research indicates that its natural for our sense of purpose to change over time, but it can be strengthened and contributes to happiness. We can feel it, and we can use it to gain enlightenment and improve life conditions! Higher dimensional extraterrestrials: This expression refers to extraterrestrial beings who have achieved a greater level of cosmic (spiritual) awareness compared to us. We hope that these opening remarks can provide some guidance specially in pointing in the right direction for those who are still puzzled about what spirituality really is and what the connections between spiritual awareness and extraterrestrial life is. Spiritual alchemy is about letting go of one's redundant qualities. Did Humans Evolve Susceptibility to Placebo Effects? 8. color Pink spiritual meaning. They have a great respect for our suffering and struggles, and they look to the day in which we will re-unite as one family. Spiritual Metaphysics containsthree important sections. My Mission is to serve humanity with my intuitive gifts and skills that God bestowed on me. It is more scientific in its approach than spirituality. The term black has nothing to do with a color per se, but it hints an intention to bring aggrandizement for itself. It is like a sea of potential that links us all. Framing understanding creatively provides a provocative way to do so. These beings manifest the supreme guiding principle that allows the cosmos to evolve in an orderly fashion. And they also use it to solve existential problems, seeking the truth and the spiritual world. Qi Gong is a system of coordinated body-posture and movement that is a millennia old. On the contrary, they imply that it is through self control and restraint that certain higher states can be achieved, in which the key note of service towards all living beings is the foundation of cosmic (and hence inner) development. In fact, some of the materialistic chaos that our world has fallen into has been precipitated by the lies and selfishly imposed mental slavery of many religious institutions, which have taken advantage of the prevailing ignorance in our world to gain power over others. After sifting through many different versions of what everyone thinks metaphysics is and how it is practiced, I compiled some solid observations that define metaphysical belief. Those of us who have been raised with religious backgrounds have often been taught that sexuality and spirituality are opposing forces, that you cannot be virtuous if you have sex because sex is a "sin" or is "unspiritual.". The Beatles may have echoed ancient spiritual beliefs when they sang, ' All you need is love'. And also the spiritual world where everything begin. Buddhic Plane (or Plane of Intuition): This plane is one of the subtle realms vibrating above the mental plane. If we contemplate deeply into this condition, we can all at some point choose to assume some degree of responsibility for this global suffering, one way or another. By the way, this is one of my own personal favorite books in the PRACTICE of metaphysical spirituality:Awakened Imagination by Neville Goddard. One of the most important metaphysical traditions from ancient Egypt is that of Hermes Trismegistus, associated with the Egyptian god Thoth. Prana: This expression refers to a form of energy or vitality which energizes the etheric bodies of all beings, and which is primarily received from the sun. Blessing number 2 is a reminder that wisdom is very important in order for humanity to evolve into a higher consciousness level, particularly the inner wisdom when the person is able to look inside and make the connection of cosmic brotherhood in that inner space. spirituality has nothing whatsoever to do with organized religion. Spiritual fasting can increase mental clarity, allowing a person to hear God's voice more clearly. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Spiritual fasting is individualistic and personal . This requires a substantial inner re-education. There is a design. Hypnosis helps bring . Metaphysically speaking we are a form of crystallized sunlight. An instinct toward spirituality appears to be deeply ingrained in humans. When kundaline rises it activates each chakra, producing ever increasing psychic manifestations and awareness until complete inner cosmic realization is attained. Accident Spiritual Meaning. Metaphysical Causes of Illness List. Steve Lopez knows he is running out of time. Believing in your own spiritual superiority as a way to hide from insecurities. The first six blessings refer to people who are, one way or another, rendering important service to make this world a better place for all of humanity. It investigates psychic abilities and psychic occurrences. So, when we understand that the root causes of all that is in the natural world come from an unseen Source, we are able to tap that Source and navigate life in a way that functions from an inner anchoring. Vibration: This refers to a molecular-atomic movement or frequency of all matter, energy and wave phenomena which characterizes their state and quality upon an infinite spectrum, forming the different cosmic planes of consciousness. In the context of this website the term higher dimensions is used loosely to refer to a higher state of consciousness in which the individual (for instance a higher dimensional extraterrestrial being) would be able to consciously inhabit a higher plane of existence which is normally invisible to the regular physical senses (see The Fifth Dimension for further details). Lower Astral Realm: This refers to the densest part of the astral plane, where the vibration is lower yet there is more energy available. Every religion and spiritual work is metaphysical. A sound metaphysical knowledge of the ancient laws (such as the Hermetic principles discussed above, and others) is a powerful tool to help discern. Ran D. Anbar M.D. It strives to answer questions about the meaning of life, how people are connected to each other, truths about the universe, and other mysteries of human existence. Overall, a large body of research suggests, religious attachment is generally beneficial for people. One thing for sure is that spirituality and elemental energetic actions are the foundations of it. Otherwise, imagine what a dreadful and dangerous place the universe would be, if the stronger were there to conquer the weaker, and if selfishness was the keynote. These teachings were received by George King in telepathic rapport with different intelligences from our neighboring planets, including the Cosmic Being that had incarnated on Earth as the Master Jesus. You gotta give them an A for trying though. Normally a person will only be able to start accessing this information after the person has developed the faculty of meditation and can contact the Buddhic (or high intuition) plane which exist at a higher vibration than the mental plane. Invariably we find that many traditions stem from ancient Egypt, which was in itself an inheritance from more ancient times back to the long gone Atlantis and Lemuria. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Do not be discouraged just because present science still focuses so much on the materialistic perception given by the physical senses. It refers to the manner in which the energy is utilized, which is similar to the absorption behavior of the color black. I particularly like this definition of metaphysical: "of or relating to the transcendent or to a reality beyond what is perceptible to the senses. Cognitive dissonance is not unique to religion or spirituality, but often occurs in the context of such beliefs. It is based on the science of how unseen energy creates our reality. As a scientific concept, spiritual metaphysics is the study of the core principles of the spirit and of life on earth. For others, it's about non-religious experiences that help them get in touch with their spiritual selves through quiet reflection, time in nature, private prayer, yoga, or meditation. Steve Taylor Ph.D. on October 21, 2022 in Out of the Darkness. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. They are: 1. the principle of mentalism (the cosmos is all pervasive mind-energy, and as such is fully accessible by mind); 2. the principle of correspondence (as above, so below); 3. the principle of vibration (matter and spirit are the same substance in different degrees of vibration); 4. the principle of polarity (everything has two poles, has its opposite counterpart such as heat and cold, good or bad, etc, in an infinite scale where the inherent state is ever relative to its corresponding vibration which is all transmutable by mind); 5. the principle of rhythm (everything oscillates between its poles as in a tidal system); 6. the principle of cause and effect (the universal law of Karma); 7. the principle of gender (there is a male and female principle in everything, where sex gender as we understand on Earth is just a small fraction of this principle in its densest manifestation). Black magic: This term refers to the act of using metaphysical knowledge of the occult forces of the cosmos for selfish reasons. I have an aunt that takes metaphysics to a whole new level by calling herself a Metaphysician.. In metaphysics, it often involves questions of how a god operates and how a god might have created the universe. As a matter of fact, science is already studying spiritual things without recognizing it! The heart chakra is associated with inner knowing (intuition), offering a portal into the higher dimensions when enhanced consciousness is cultivated (i.e., light esoterically understood) through the combined multidimensional energy of love-wisdom. The lower astral is heavily connected with basic physical desires and desire for selfish power over others. When those are attained then we have freedom from ignorance (enlightenment), freedom from limitation (cosmic consciousness) and freedom from rebirth (ascension). These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. 4. First, to yourself, then to your higher power or place within your spiritual paradigm. Now we also understand that in the eternal realm there's not only good; there's also other things that we might describe as bad. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. It is the science of spirituality, philosophy and religion. Psychology Today 2022 Sussex Publishers, LLC. A possible analogy would be to look inside our bodies to realize that all cells in the body act in concerted harmony to cooperate towards the well being of the whole body. Surround yourself with wisdom. Nuriel The Angel of Hailstorms and Spellbinding, Transcendental Meditation Vs Mindfulness Meditation. Spirituality is Experiential It is more practical by nature and exists so people may explore and discover the self. The artists did not have contact with Ashtar, yet they could receive the impression of his energy from the higher planes such as the buddhic plane of intuition. Spirituality is awareness and communication between the individual and the higher forces of the cosmos through inner knowledge. There are many people interested in it. Metaphysical dualism is a way to describe the speculation about our spiritual nature. With the human body being capable of emitting significant frequencies of electromagnetic energies using the brain as a transmitter, here we have the scientific principle of using our mental power to produce certain pre-determined results. Spirituality is a practice that is unique to the individual and does not adhere to a specific doctrine. These are more or less universal and independent of the dimensional framework. The autistics don't know how they do it, but they have a way of unlocking higher communication with . Do Physical Surroundings Influence Our Thoughts? Also known as God, but it has many other names. The energy of the heart chakra is extremely important because it connects the lower chakras to the higher chakras, being the middle or equilibrium point. Charles Johnston MD on October 17, 2022 in Cultural Psychiatry. The spiritual meaning of Amethyst is all about protection, divine love and positive energy. This is a very powerful concept that should be learned by all sentient beings before they are permitted to venture into the cosmos. Please refer to treatises in the metaphysical/esoteric literature for more rigorous descriptions than the ones presented here. Count me in! Higher Dimensions: In Physics and mathematics, the basic dimensions normally refer to the measurable properties required to uniquely specify a certain coordinate in the space-time continuum (i.e., length, width, height and time), while the higher dimensions in physics arise from unifying theories attempting to combine certain aspects of gravitational theory and quantum physics. Firstly, the word " metaphysical " means "above the physical". The Bible often uses contrasts to explain spirituality. This term is a reference to George Kings key role as a provider of the most accurate mental transmissions ever given on Earth. As the brain processes sensory experiences, it naturally looks for patternsand our conscious selves often seek meaning in those patterns. Paralysing fear that stops you from living the moment. Law of Vibration. However, as research into consciousness and energy evolves, and in particular when the survival of consciousness after physical death is proven, it is possible that our perception of what is actually meant by life may dramatically change. Spirituality is awareness and communication between the individual and the higher forces of the cosmos through inner knowledge. Even though we cant prove all these concepts scientifically as yet, were probably not too far from making new discoveries that will help put these principles in perspective. These sections are: ontology, theology and universal science. Today we are beginning to sense that thinking in larger ways about science and religion might be an option. The Amethyst can create a peaceful environment and promote personal insight. Cosmic hierarchy: This refers to the group of intelligences that help administer the spiritual evolution of the universe in its highest sense, ranging from planetary hierarchies to solar and galactic hierarchies. Supreme Galactic council: This is a reference to the highest spiritual hierarchy of our galaxy, which sits at Sagittarius where the spiritually animating principle of the whole galaxy is given. As such, it is a universal human experiencesomething that touches us all. So, our thoughts and perceptions really do change the world. Per se, but it has many other names does not adhere to a specific doctrine which the is. Taylor Ph.D. on October 17, 2022 in Cultural Psychiatry the lower astral is heavily connected with basic what is metaphysical spirituality and! As increased levels of guilt and shame in stricter religious communities metaphysical/esoteric literature for more descriptions. 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what is metaphysical spirituality