exotic french girl names

All of these exotic names for girls are comprised of 8 to 10 letters. Popularity: This short exotic name isnt ranking. Exotic French Bulldog Names Daisy June Luna Honey Cooper Dot Anna Huanzhu is rare worldwide, but that shouldnt stop you from bringing your fantasy to life. Yue is also a surname in China and depending on the dialect and characters used, it can mean blessed or pearl.. Cobalt refers to colors in the blue family including azure, teal and aqua. Choosing a name is the art of creating a masterpiece that is an even balance of being unique and exotic but also being a name that your child will be happy to call their own. Heck, even NYC Prep is representing here. If happiness isnt your thing, click here to jump ahead to the next category. In Nickelodeons Avatar: The Last Airbender, the princess of the Northern water tribe was called Yue due to her relation to the moon and silver-haired beauty. Fumi is already trending in Japan, but its also becoming popular in Nigeria. Congratulations and good luck choosing the perfect baby name for your daughter! Popularity: Kehlani ranks #168, Kailani ranks #282, and Kaylani ranks #340. Another kanji combination you can get is beautiful strawberry. Breathe new life into your baby name shortlist with this floral pick. And being so popular in its place of origin only adds wood to the fuel of this powerful contender for a top pick. The Chinese and English definitions for Fei are coincidentally in sync. Referred to as Mega or Megawati, she is an Indonesian politician and the countrys first female president. Fiadh means to be wild, and while it is unique to other parts of the world it is very common in Ireland. Laohu is not generally used as a first name, so its quite rare. Popularity: Zaniyah ranks #730 and Zaniah isnt ranking. Who is like God in Hebrew. Xiaoyan will have you hearing the birds chirping at daybreak. Girl. Plums are already glossy and sweet, so imagine one with the intense sheen of a jade gemstone. Popularity: This girls name is not currently ranking. And its 100% feminine too. We dont mean to be sarcastic when we say Natsuko could be your sweet summer child. Its easy to say, and even sounds like the tinkling of chimes on a summer day. Shanhu is a Chinese nature name that doesnt get much love. SheKnows is a part of Penske Media Corporation. Popular french names have been immortalized in books and made famous by singers and actors. All rights reserved. Popularity: This rare name isnt ranking. Irina means Peace and is actually the name of a classic Russian ballet. Calling your daughter Apricot might seem strange in the west, but in Asia, Anzu is not the only contender. Sonora means pleasant sounding but also refers to a location in Northwest Mexico. Ottilie is a name of German and French Origin. There's a good mix of popular/trending, uncommon, cute and meaningful names here. Depicted as a mermaid, she controls the waves of the Indian Ocean. Name meaning: Wave or seafoam. Name meaning: Many possible meanings including grace, God has said, immortal. In literature, Daiyu Lin was a main character in Cao Xueqins 18th-century novel Dream of the Red Chamber. Did you find an exotic girls name that you like? Consider using Lhamo as a hyphenated or middle name to get the effect of adding goddess to another beautiful moniker. Nayeli is a name of Indigenious Mexican Origin. Mongolian names have many foreign origins in their history, probably due to their conquering spirit over the centuries. And while youre at it, bring your notes because weve compiled a list of unique and exotic Asian girl names. Name meaning: Small butterfly. Adalia. Its plum blossom season! In fact, there are so many good names, that narrowing it down might be a challenge. This name was taken and adapted by several cultures. Please note that some of this sites links are affiliate links, and themommyhoodclub.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. The Star Wars franchise called one of their shadier planets Daiyu. Winter wonderland meets luxury perfume with Xue Fang. Might mean royal hawk. Baby Name Generator. Sit and sip under the cherry blossoms with our exciting list of Asian girl names. A famous fictional namesake is Sakura Haruno from the Japanese anime Naruto. Benote. Cecilia is a name of Latin Origin. If you prefer a name with a known meaning, click here to jump ahead to the next category. Name meaning: From Mount Olympus, as the abode of the gods in Greek mythology. That imagery alone is enough to give Yihwa, or one of its many variants, a chance. More exotic girl names. Its somewhat popular in India and has the potential to take off in the U.S. as well. This educational content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. There are stylish, sophisticated, and plain beautiful names that will make your baby stand out. Popularity: This unique sea name isnt ranking. Willow means nature, grace and elegance and refers to the Old English word of welig which means willow tree. English,French. Bahira is a name of Arabic Origin. Lux is a feminine name that means light, and is spelt Luz in Spanish. Its the word for tiger in China, making it the equivalent of naming your child Dove or Wolf. If you like these earthy exotic girl names you might also like this list of tree names or this huge list of nature names. Because of the way its said, you can use nicknames like Tam and Tammy. Popularity: Zariah ranks #460, Zariyah is #697, and Zaria is #861. Leilani refers to the heavenly Hawaiian flower and has a connection to leis (the flower garland worn around ones neck). Popularity: Aliana ranks #708 and Alianna is #811. Its more popular in Oman and the Philippines and is a hit in Central and South America. South Korea is the prime contender when it comes to using Eun-mi, but that isnt surprising. That could prove slightly tricky for those unfamiliar with Korean, but its no reason to deter you from trying Ji-ae. She shares this Japanese and Hebrew moniker with another Blasian beauty, Naomi Campbell. The flowers of this tree are usually called plum blossoms. If you like these long exotic girl names you might also like this list of 3-syllable names or this huge list of long names. Iseul isnt as difficult to say as you might think. Christianity. Ines is a name of Italian, Portuguese and Croatian Origin. This is such a sophisticated, exotic name. In keeping with Chinese nicknaming conventions, you can use the epithet Ling-Ling.. Zolzaya requires a bit of practice to say, but its worth it. Romane is a name of French Origin. Ceairra is a name of Irish Origin and is a short form variation of Ciara. This post contains affiliate links. With literature in the details, Fumi has many readings, giving you a plethora of reasons to pick this name. Popularity: This Hebrew name isn't ranking in the U.S. Adara. Name meaning: Many possible meanings: High above, heaven, sky, wise, having great plans. Name meaning: Breath of heaven or thanks to heaven. Popular in Japan and Japanese anime, Ryoko should not be overlooked. Name meaning: A mythical bird that rises from the ashes and is born again. Trinity is a name of Latin Origin. Athena is the most commonly used goddess name and is known for being intelligent. Apart from the given name, Fei also occasionally appears as a last name in China. Ji-ae may be just right for knowledge-seekers. We could continue, but you get the point. Popularity: This short girls name is not currently ranking. Its a wonder why more parents arent naming their daughters star jewel. Among the various hanja combinations for Gyuri, there is gyu which means auspicious jewel, writing, or stride, paired with ri which means govern, village, or intelligent. Take your pick and make your own very special meaning. Good luck. Unique and exotic Odval might sweep you off your feet, as it sounds like a character in a fantasy setting. If this isnt you, click here to jump ahead to the next category. Elise is a name of French Origin, however, in Scandinavian countries, it is pronounced Elisa. Emery is a name of German origin and is similar to Emily and Emma. Perfume your list of picks with this truly exotic choice. Name meaning: God is gracious. French names starting with A French names starting with B In Chinese, Ai also means mugwort. Let love take root in your household with this lovely moniker. Soon-ja is decent and upright and apparently antiquated. Leilani is a name of Hawaiian Origin and one of the most popular names in Hawaii. These exotic baby girl names either have unknown meaningsor they are modern invented ones. Mima is hands-down the most adorable name for a little girl. Endow your daughter with grace or mark a reminder of her birthplace with Kung-ah. Nature. the meaning of this name is universal whole. It does well in Guyana and Trinidad and Tobago because of their large East-Indian populations. Mythology. Parents with a penchant for the vintage will find Soon-ja a flawless fit. By gender: Girl. The name Arias literal meaning is Air. When you shop through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Because it naturally occurs in the histories of two unrelated societies, this epithet is like an intersection where cultures meet. Names are an important part of ones identity and are often one of the first words that children begin to understand as you are always using their name even when they are really little. Its a Japanese girls name with various kanji readings and combinations like genuine and current/flow, logic. In Thailand, Indonesia, and India, Ruri is also a girls name, but it can be used as a boys name in a handful of other countries. Name meaning: A bird or blue semi-precious stone. (Means saying in Hebrew). Tiril refers to Norwegian poetry as is a common girls name in Norway. Wanting to pay homage to your French heritage? From the steppes of Mongolia to the mountains of Bhutan and beyond, theres a wide variety of options to choose from. If you like these fairytale exotic girl names you might also like this list of mermaid names. Popularity: None of the spellings of this name are ranking. Ottilie means to be prosperous in battle, and often ends in the nickname Tillie. Meilin is just so cute. Sonora is an unusual differentiation of the original name Sierra. Amaya is a name of Spanish and Japanese Origin. Popularity: Ayla ranks #131 and Aila is #906. Celebrities started the trend of choosing unusual names in the early 2000s however choosing an unusual name is gaining popularity thus making it harder to find a name for a baby girl that someone doesnt already have. Priya is easy on the ears. These exotic baby girl names are perfect for families of faith. How others perceive a name also has a large factor on how much your child will like or love their own name as if they are being picked on they may begin to resent the name you have choosen. Name meaning: Earth. If your lively girl comes out kicking and screaming, you might want to consider Janya. Popularity: This exotic girls name is not ranking. Popularity: This unique name is not ranking. Iniya is one South Asian pick that can seamlessly blend into western circles. There is a lot more to a name then just the name as there is also a meaning attached to every name. Romane is the feminine version of the name Roman and has a literary meaning as it is the french word for a novel. Girl. Izabella is a way to make the name Isabella more unique and the meaning of both is Pledged to God. It is often shortened to the nickname of Dru. 16/20 Sofia. Aaida. Most of us agree that French words roll off the tongue so eloquently and beautifully. Name meaning: A winged seed that falls from a tree. These Nickname Baby Names Are Cute Enough To Stand Alone. A perfect representation of this cross-cultural connection is the mixed-race, Naomi Osaka. Mega also appears in Uganda and Ethiopia but is still rare. We have a feeling nature lovers will adore Laohu. Its usage for boys or girls is a bit of a mixed bag, but in Canada, the U.S., and Vietnam, Vui is used more for girls than boys. Steeped in the Buddhist tradition, Choden has an air of spiritual serenity. The modern day meaning is derived from a Roman Clan Name meaning blind. Nemy is a name of African Origin. Cobalt is a name of German Origin. Popularity: This unique name isnt popular in the U.S. If this isnt your vibe, click here to jump ahead to the next category. Name meaning: Many possible meanings such as God has answered, look up to God, care, concern, freedom, misfortune, adversity. Popularity: This baby name is not ranking. With a sound as sharp as a knife, Shiyun is perfect for a child of destiny. Popularity: This long girls name isnt ranking. Name meaning: Congratulations or best wishes. Popularity: This two-syllable name isnt ranking. Your email address will not be published. If youre looking for an exotic baby name for your daughter, youre in the right place! Royal. Please see our disclosure for more details. If youre choosing Megumi for its uniqueness in the west, try not to rely too heavily on a western-sounding nickname like Meg. We think Pam is just a case of cultural adoption in the Philippines. Name meaning: A redwood tree of California. This husky-sounding option is perfect for outdoorsy types. In Hindi, Sarasa means swan or crane, and in Japanese, it refers to light, patterned cotton known as chintz. Its popularity rose during the 70s and 80s, ranking in the top ten between 1973 and 1988. Beautiful. If you havent, here are some more lists to peruse! Others may know of the unfortunate fate of Sadako Sasaki through Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes. These popular French names are perfect for the long haul. Lux Lux is a name of Latin Origin. Mattea means a gift from God. Zhen is ideal for the precious pocket-sized empress in your life. Think you can guess where the concept for Hae-won came from? By that measure, it gives off a youthful impression. Its popularity there hasnt produced any notable namesakes, except for the famous Kiba Inuzuka in the Japanese anime Naruto. Popularity: Malaya ranks #668 and Malayah ranks #949. We cant get into all the other meanings, but take note that there are 54 hanja for kyung and 29 for ah. Good luck! Content on this site is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical, health, or safety advice. It seems that women called Kanchana tend to gravitate to the spotlight where they can truly shine. Name meaning: Light. Nova is a name of Latin Origin. It is the perfect whimsical fantasy inspired feminine name. As an Amazon Associate, adensmom.com earns from qualifying purchases. Nhung has a rubbery sound effect, resembling a babys softness only in meaning. When you name your child, you are giving them an identity for the rest of their life so while you may want to choose Cool and Exotic baby girl names, you need to think hard about the name you decide on as it is a big decision. Some say you shouldnt leave naming your baby up to fate. Yoko is not to be confused with the masculine name Yk or Youkou, which is written and pronounced differently. Unique French Girl Names. Symbolic name given to girls born on TuBShevat, the New Year of the Trees. It may be unusual, but its by no means unpopular. It doesnt even make the top 4,000 names in China, where it originates. Aria means lioness, and can also refer to a song or melody in music. The pronunciation of its first syllable is something like a cross between the ch and j sounds. Megumi is quite prevalent in its homeland. Hopefully, youve found some inspiration on this list of exotic girl names that come from all over the world. Fleur has become a popular name in the Netherlands since it translates to flower and Netherlands is home of the tulip and many other flowers. Where cultures meet depicted as a last name in Norway this exotic girls that... Hit in Central and South America sweep you off your feet, as it is very common in.. 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