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- Often used to provide a pension. See - Not having enough finances or assets available to pay all your debts. Reference Pricing An offer to existing share holders of a company, which entitles them to purchase new shares at a fixed price, usually lower than the current market price, in order to raise money for the company. To overestimate the capital value of a business. Roaming Power Brand Homeostasis/homoeostasis Along with banking and accountancy the credit ratings sector is likely to undergo major changes during the first quarter of the 21st century. - Used in e-mails, internet chat rooms and text messages, symbols which represent facial expressions, e.g. As technology improves theoretical efficiency, and potentially creates more time for leisure, so work, driven by competition, expands to use the all available capacity. - Describes when a customer prefers to buy a particular brand or type of product, who prefers a particular shop, or who stays with the same company, such as a bank, insurance company, phone company, etc. [137], Hoover maintained polling leads throughout the 1928 campaign, and he decisively defeated Smith on election day, taking 58 percent of the popular vote and 444 of the 531 electoral votes. article containing history, codes, templates, etc.. Corporate Hospitality The term Stockholm Syndrome was first used by criminologist/psychiatrist Nils Bejerot, when assisting police during the siege, referring to the Syndrome in a news broadcast. See - An option in a contract giving the holder the right to sell shares, materials, etc., at a specified price at, or up to, a fixed date. Independent Financial Advisor - Workers, usually in a factory, as opposed to managers. Inside Track U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Public Alerts, Warnings for Dam and Levee Emergencies: 30-APR-2019: 28-FEB-2020 Easy Monetary Policy - A study course using written correspondence, books, etc., which are sent to you by post from learning institutes. Unexpired, e.g. Renewal Notice Perfect Competition [75] Hoover had hoped to join the administration in some capacity since at least 1916, and he obtained the position after lobbying several members of Congress and Wilson's confidant, Edward M. Mob is actually a shortened version of the full Latin phrase, mobile vulgus, meaning excitable crowd. Well-being, and specifically the promotion and strategic improvement of personal well-being in the workplace, is a major extension of earlier principles and issues of stress and stress management. Barista Unauthorised - A specific group of people with similar characteristics, needs, lifestyle, etc., at which a company markets its products or services. - Represented notably by the Plain Language Movement, and the Plain Language Information and Action Network (PLAIN), in the late 1900s Plain Language became a generally recognized technical term for the advocation and use of clear explanations, descriptions, instructions, etc., in official documents and other communications, which frequently use goobledegook or 'officialese', i.e., language which is overly complex and/or containing confusing jargon and abbreviations, etc. It is 'mined' using a time-linked computerised generation process, via linked mutually/self-protecting computer servers including equipment belonging to 'members' who in return receive payment in Bitcoins in return for the use of computer processing power. [230] In October, after Sara Jane Moore's assassination attempt on Ford, Humphrey joined former presidential candidates Barry Goldwater, Edmund Muskie, and George McGovern in urging Ford and other presidential candidates to restrain their campaigning the following year to prevent future attempts on their lives. Accretion Brand Association Typically felt by individuals with low self-esteem. The branch of the law that deals with the legal rights of employees, e.g. Expecting to be obeyed and not caring about the opinions and feeling of others. Funds which are raised and set aside for dishonest or illegal purposes, e.g., for bribing government officials. - Twenty four hours a day, seven days a week. Spin Doctor [55] The competition featured over 250 students from 28 universities; the winning team presented their policy brief at the U.S. Capitol, the White House, and was also featured on MSNBC. We are considering a solution that will store large files in MySQL with InnoDB. - A description of a company, for example financial structure, prospects, aims, etc., used when new shares are offered to the public, or when the company is for sale. When carried out by a government or other authority this may also be referred to in more modern terms as 'spin'. - The minimum number of people who must attend a meeting in order for valid business to be conducted. We build customer-facing features in a highly distributed environment that directly impacts Amazons e-commerce revenue in over 150+ countries. - Term used to describe broadcasting systems, such as television, which operate on land, rather than from a satellite. - In marketing and business 'diversion' refers to the unofficial distribution/availability of branded consumer products. Jasdaq Piecework Non-Executive Director This is a ten-week internship (40 hours per week) during the summer of 2023 located within one of our Amazon fulfillment centers, sort centers, delivery stations or other operations buildings within the Amazon Fulfillment Network. Silver Surfer In industry, a manufacturing system which is regulated by the use of cards or boards which contain specifications and instructions for the production process of goods. - A review of performance, capability, needs, etc., typically of an employee, in which case the full term is normally ' Specific activities of a fulfilment house generally include warehousing, stock control, order picking, packaging, distribution/delivery to the customer (and confirmation thereof), and typically a degree of direct customer communications, and potentially handling returns. - A system, used in some countries, of transferring money from one bank or post office account into another using a central computer. 20 Free Lightroom Presets Collection This is a starter pack from BeArt-Presets, and includes 20 presets that - From 'Go for'. Dolly - Money invested in a new business which is expected to make a lot of profit but which also involves considerable risk. [142][143] He also struck up a friendship with Frank Sinatra, who supported his campaign for president in 1968 before his conversion to the Republican party in the early 1970s,[144] and was perhaps most on notice in the fall of 1977 when Sinatra was the star attraction and host of a tribute to a then-ailing Humphrey. - A job or position which involves little or no work, but for a which a person is paid. - A crime in which someone obtains another person's personal information, such as passport, credit card details, etc., and poses as that person in order to steal money, get benefits, make purchases, etc. A computer screen or monitor which displays text and/or pictures. [188] Though some economists, like William Trufant Foster, favored deficit spending to address the Great Depression, most politicians and economists believed in the necessity of keeping a balanced budget. - Money that a lender risks losing if the borrower fails to pay it back. The noun filibuster refers to a person who does this, or to the act of filibustering, which is commonly done by more than one person acting together. Tycoon The term may have an arrogant or patronising implication where expert, qualified, learned professionals discuss the general public or members who lack expertise. The American auto industry consumed 70% of the world's output, but British investors controlled much of the supply. - ISO. Reverse Merger - A servant or attendant in a royal or noble household. A loan which has attractive terms for the borrower, such as low or no interest rates and/or a long repayment period, often made by banks to developing countries. False Bottom A computer language, which consists only of numbers, that can be read and interpreted by a computer's central processing unit (CPU). Restitution . A situation in which a listed company buys back its own shares from shareholders. - A person, usually a solicitor, officially authorised to witness signatures and certify legal documents. - MBO. The supplier then pays the shipping costs after obtaining official clearance. Inc. is more than doubling the maximum base salary it pays employees to $350,000 from $160,000. [47] In 1960, Humphrey told journalist Theodore H. White, "I was mayor once, in Minneapolis a mayor is a fine job, it's the best job there is between being a governor and being the President. However, Hamilton also notes that Hoover was politically inept and failed to recognize the severity of the Great Depression. Wheeling And Dealing "[252] Much to his frustration, Hoover was not called upon to serve after the United States entered World War II due to his differences with Roosevelt and his continuing unpopularity. The similar term meta data (increasingly 'metadata') refers more generally to information or code which is usually hidden in normal use or communications but which carries important meaning towards understanding or using the whole message or instruction, or other form of data. (Thanks to Vit Kavan, an 'old-school' hacker, for help in for clarifying this entry.). Shark Private Equity Each method requires some qualification of precise definition, and then comprises quite complex formulae, mainly to ensure there is no double-counting, and no ommissions. Electronic Purse The show first aired in 1940 (ending in 1947), in which up to seven progressively more difficult questions were asked of each contestant, beginning with a one dollar prize, doubling each time a question was successfully answered and the option to 'leave it' rather than 'take it' (the prize money) was preferred. After she cabled back her acceptance of the proposal, Hoover briefly returned to the United States for their wedding. Rubber Cheque - A form of life insurance which pays out a lump sum if the policyholder dies within a fixed period of time. Gross profit margin is obtained by dividing gross income by net sales. [135] Smith was more charismatic and gregarious than Hoover, but his campaign was damaged by anti-Catholicism and his overt opposition to Prohibition. - An arrangement between a vendor and buyer in which the vendor allows the buyer to pay at a later date for goods received. Refers to businesses which trade on the Internet as well as having traditional retail outlets, such as shops. [139] Presciently, he noted that a military solution in Vietnam would take several years, well beyond the next election cycle. Contango - A tablet computer that is also a phone. FMCG - The highest level of development and/or technology applied to a product or service which is currently available. - A tax charged on certain goods which are brought into a country. An unprincipled, ruthless person. The 'black swan' metaphor alludes to both to the rareness of black swans, and to early beliefs that the creatures did not exist - which relates to general attitudes towards the real nature of 'black swan' events. - Also known as Narrow Money in the UK. Ratify Overtrading The final enhancement or touch on a project. Occupational Psychology The Germans refused to take responsibility for feeding Belgian citizens in captured territory, and the British refused to lift their blockade of German-occupied Belgium unless the U.S. government-supervised Belgian food imports as a neutral party in the war. 24-hour Society - A system which rides on the back of an existing system, e.g. Free Collective Bargaining Unbundling Sleeper This is an allusion to weather factors, commonly applied to economic or trading situations, but applicable to any disaster or chaotic outcome resulting from forces or effects whose combination and timing has not been thought likely or anticipated at all. Non-Departmental Public Body - Also known as Stock Repurchase. Teleworking [38] He was replaced by Larry Kudlow[39] on April 2. Ordinary people can reasonably regard fully detailed definitions of GDP very confusing. - The printed pages of a book, magazine, etc., which is read and corrected (e.g. WebBerlin in particular is a showcase of intense debates about symbols of gentrification, these years, compared to only modest increases for area outside the zone. - Technically la carte, an eating-place menu from which individual dishes at separate prices can be ordered, or less commonly where a side dish may be ordered at no extra charge, from the French phrase meaning 'to the menu'. [20] He was a member of Phi Delta Chi, a pharmacy fraternity. Therefore definitions of ethics tend to be rather vague and open, and tend to include and depend on words which have varying interpretations too, such as morality, and justice, duty, etc. legalese - A UK court in which hearings are generally informal, without jury, for the judgment of civil claims for small amounts of money, and where parties commonly represent themselves instead of hiring a solicitor or lawyer, although legal assistance or representation is permitted. Following a few high profile cases in the late 1900s when whistleblowers were wrongfully dismissed and persecuted and/or subject to legal action by their employers, laws were introduced (UK Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998) to increase protections and safeguards for whistleblowers. Economy Rating Agency Category Killer Fixed Costs If you know please Typically large projects are established as being separate to usual operational duties and responsibilities of workers, although any job can at any time be extended to include responsibility for the management of a project within it. Retail Investor Watch List [37], Upon arriving in China, Hoover developed gold mines near Tianjin on behalf of Bewick, Moreing, and the Chinese-owned Chinese Engineering and Mining Company. He rapidly became a wealthy mining engineer. - A clause in a contract which exempts the contracting party (e.g., insurer) from liability in the event of an unforeseen intervention or catastrophe which prevents fulfilment of contractual obligations, such as war, act of God, etc. These points convert into vouchers which the customer can spend at the store at a later date. - To bring two disputing sides together to discuss the problem with the aim of reaching an agreement. See - Also known as Entitlement Issue. A share in a company which entitles the owner to a share in the company's profits, and the right to vote at shareholders meetings. Convertible - Ready made pictures of computerised graphic art which can be copied by computer users to add to their own documents. - Freight or cargo carried by a large vehicle. Golden Handcuffs Discretionary Order Open Source - Interest paid which is calculated based on a 360 day year, or 12 months of 30 days. It was Humphrey, not Senator [Everett] Dirksen, who played the crucial part in the complex parliamentary games that were needed to pass the Civil Rights Act of 1964. - An organisation or business which is owned and run by its employees, customers and/or tenants, who share the profits. The bank is responsible for collecting payments for exported goods, so that the exporter can borrow money from the bank before the goods have been paid for by the customers. WebDear Twitpic Community - thank you for all the wonderful photos you have taken over the years. Retail Banking - The ownership of interest in a company, usually in the form of shares. Goodwill - Called A News Conference in the US. Like most other citizens of West Branch, Jesse and Hulda were Quakers. Operation Process Chart Ratings strongly influence interest rates applied to rated organizations, i.e., poor ratings mean that the low-rated organizations/bodies/nations are charged higher rates of interest by lenders, due to the higher perceived level of risk, and the overall market's response to the rating/risk. - Lots of sudden and heavy cash withdrawals at the same time from a bank or banks, because customers believe the banks may become insolvent. Industrialist - In business, divest/divestment refers to a corporation selling subsidiary interests, especially a subsidiary company. National Brand Whistleblower/Whistle-blower Bonus . IN Archive/Archives - See definition for Flotation. A fictitious 'trap street' is the equivalent used to combat map copyright theft. - Sometimes called Games Theory, this is a potentially highly complex branch of mathematics increasingly found in business which uses the analysis of competing strategies (of for example market participants) and their effects opon each other to predict and optimise outcomes and results. Cash Cow Economic Growth "Sinc In Reich", "Humphrey Says U.S. Has Nothing To Fear If They Stay Strong", "Press Goofed in Attack on Me Humphrey", "Nikita's 'Live and Let Live' Policy Hit", "Kefauver Nominated for Vice President; Beats Kennedy, 755 1/2 589, on Second Ballot; Stevenson Vows Drive for a 'New America', "Battleground West Virginia Electing the President in 1960", "John F. Kennedy Fast Facts: 1960 Presidential Election Primaries", John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, "The Nomination of Hubert Humphrey for Vice President", "Goldwater Is 'No' Man, Says Sen. Humphrey", "Humphrey Says G.O.P. Green Taxes To have it easy. [263] Hoover favored the United Nations in principle, but he opposed granting membership to the Soviet Union and other Communist states. Describes peoples qualities which cannot be measured, such as knowledge, behaviour, attitude, etc. See Mindshare - A situation when basic rates of pay are not as high as levels of wages actually paid. - Refers to insulation effectiveness in buildings, and to materials used in construction. Hoover energetically gave a series of speeches and interviews denouncing the monopolistic practice, and demanding that it be ended. Bilateral omnishambles "[150], On November 4, 1967, Humphrey cited Malaysia as an example of what Vietnam could resemble post a Viet Cong defeat while in Jakarta, Indonesia. - Having well-shaped beautiful buttocks. Paternity Pay [28], In 1965, Humphrey was made an Honorary Life Member of Alpha Phi Alpha, a historically African American fraternity. - Failure or refusal to obey or comply with a rule, regulation or standard, which can commonly result in serious action by an inspector or ombudsman. - When a company is not using its employees, machinery, resources, etc., effectively, often because of lack of competition. Statistician [171] While other countries left the gold standard, Hoover refused to abandon it;[172] he derided any other monetary system as "collectivism". - A very small sum of money awarded by a court to the plaintiff when no real damage or harm was caused by the defendant, who has to pay the damages, usually $1 or 2. If the amount owing is paid in full in the first month then usually no interest is charged. Button Ad WebHerbert Clark Hoover (August 10, 1874 October 20, 1964) was an American politician and engineer who served as the 31st president of the United States from 1929 to 1933 and a member of the Republican Party, holding office during the onset of the Great Depression in the United States.A self-made man who became rich as a mining engineer, Hoover led the - Supply is the amount of a product or service which is available, and demand is the amount which people wish to buy. 3. [231] Hoover's attempts to vindicate his administration fell on deaf ears, as much of the public blamed his administration for the depression. The Herbert Hoover Presidential Library and Museum is located in West Branch, Iowa next to the Herbert Hoover National Historic Site. - SEC. - The process of automatically personalising a customised letter or document by using a list of individual names and addresses, so the same letter can be sent to many people. roper. Described as Tactical Communications, Verbal Judo was developed in 1983 by American literary professor, martial arts expert and later serving policeman, Dr George ('Doc Rhino') Thompson, initially for the US police. Code-Sharing The couple funded the Pevaroff Cohn Professorship in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at the New York University School of Medicine in 1999. Per head. P2P acronym Garnish - When a consumer repeatedly buys a particular brand of product and is reluctant to switch to another brand. Pan-European Small Print He unsuccessfully sought his party's presidential nomination in 1952 and 1960. [29] Hoover described the Coolgardie and Murchison rangelands on the edge of the Great Victoria Desert as a land of "black flies, red dust and white heat".

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