kendo chart series field

Specifies the top-base/bottom-base ratio of the whole Chart. The supported values are: "gap" - the plot stops before the missing point and continues after it. The category values from all series are concatenated and each point is mapped to its category. Copyright 2022 Progress Software Corporation and/or its subsidiaries or affiliates. The lowField option is supported when series.type is set to "candlestick" or "ohlc". The data item field containing the current value. The upperField option is supported when series.type is set to "boxPlot". The supported values are: "normal" - The values will be connected with straight line. The line option is supported when series.type is set to "area", "candlestick", "ohlc", or Angles increase clockwise with zero to the left. The openField option is available when series.type is set to "candlestick" or "ohlc". The holeSize option is supported when series.type is set to "donut". Further configuration is available via kendo:chart-seriesItem-line. The name of the category axis to use for the series.The first axis will be used if no categoryAxis is specified. The data item field which indicates whether to show the point category name in the legend. currentDataItem.value/nextDataItem.value. The diameter of the donut hole in pixels. The data item field which contains a boolean value indicating whether the sector is exploded. More documentation is available at kendo:chart-seriesItem-errorBars. "waterfall". Shares: 309. All Telerik .NET tools and Kendo UI JavaScript components in one package. Represents the default value for all series except for the "area" and stacked series. As you had 'hard-coded' both group and sort in the . Progress, Telerik, and certain product names used herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of Progress Software Corporation and/or one of its subsidiaries or affiliates in the U.S. and/or other countries. "bubble". All Rights Reserved. Returns single value or data item. ; dataItem - the point dataItem. More documentation is available at kendo:chart-seriesItem-whiskers. Setting the Category Axis To set the category names, use the categoryAxis object. The Chart displays the return value of the function instead of the individual points. ; createVisual - a function that can be used to get the default visual. The chart line configuration options. The chart series extremes configuration. Series Data Field. It really surprises me how effortlessly Kendo UI Grid works with data that needs to be displayed or edited in a tabular format . The data item field which contains the series.errorBars high value. The category names are populated independently in the category axis. All Rights Reserved. The data item field which contains the series from value. The data field which contains the bubble size value. ; stackValue - the cumulative point value on the stack. The configuration of the chart series.The series type is determined by the value of the type field. The value (if any) of a data item marked as a summary point will be discarded. Categorical charts are the Bar, Column, and Line Charts. Pie, Donut, Funnel, Range Bar, Range Column, Line, ScatterLine, and Waterfall series. Available for funnel, line and scatterLine series.. The type of the data points depends on the type of the series. The field name should be a valid Javascript identifier and should contain only alphanumeric characters (or "$" or "_"), and may not start with a digit. The data field containing the low value. The explodeField option is supported when series.type is set to "donut" or "pie". Now enhanced with: New to Telerik UI for JSP? The stack option is supported when series.type is set to "bar", "column", "line", "area", The visibleInLegendField option is supported when series.type is set to "funnel", "donut", or "pie". Further configuration is available via kendo:chart-seriesItem-stack. or points - the segment points. Defaults to null if no data points are defined. neckRatio set to three means the top base is three times smaller than the bottom base. The data item field which contains the summary type for waterfall series. "polar" series. The margin around each donut series (ring). The data item field which contains the series mean value. The xField option is supported when series.type is set to "bubble", "scatter", "scatterLine", or A string value is interpreted as A string value is interpreted as The aggregate option is supported for categorical chart axis only. Each point is bound to the field specified through the, Array of arrays of numbers. The OHLC and Candlestick series need arrays of four valuesopen, high, low, and close. The start angle (degrees) of the first donut or pie segment.Angles increase clockwise and zero is to the left. The distance between the categories expressed as a percentage of the bar width. Charts This is a migrated thread and some comments may be shown as answers. The color to use for bar, column or waterfall series with negative values. The options for displaying the chart negative bubble values. ; value - the point value. ; innerRadius - the segment inner radius. The currentField option is supported when series.type is set to "bullet" or "verticalBullet". An article describing limitation in the Kendo UI library when using multiple axis chart Sets the visible property of a chart series. group - the data group. The yField option is supported when series.type is set to "bubble", "scatter", or "scatterLine". The median option is not supported by other series types. More documentation is available at kendo:chart-seriesItem-line. The xAxis option is supported when series.type is set to "bubble", "scatter", "scatterLine", or "polar" series. The dash type of line Chart. Summary columns are optional and can be one of two types: "runningTotal" - Displays the sum of all items since the last "runningTotal" point. The Chart accepts either a DataSource instance or an object with the DataSource options. The data item field containing the Y value. The fields which can be used in the template are: series - the series options. The dynamicHeight option is supported when series.type is set to "funnel". The start angle (in degrees) of the first Donut or Pie segment. The options for displaying the Chart negative bubble values. A string value is interpreted as In your chart definition, set "group": [], "sort": [], and in each of your methods set the vars as you want. The label connectors options. Progress is the leading provider of application development and digital experience technologies. The minimum size of the Chart bubble series marker. The dashType option is considered only if the series.type option is set to "line". or the series name (for other available series types) in the legend. The field name should be a valid Javascript identifier and should contain only alphanumeric characters (or "$" or "_"), and may not start with a digit. A boolean value indicating if the series should be stacked. "bubble". Also check series.outliers. All Rights Reserved. The following example demonstrates how to set the DataSource instance. The data item field which contains the series from value. The padding around the chart (equal on all sides). Top achievements . The xErrorHighField option is supported when series.type is set to "scatter"``, "scatterLine", or ; center - the segment center point. "bubble". A numeric value sets all margins. The segmentSpacing option is supported when series.type is set to "funnel". Progress, Telerik, Ipswitch, and certain product names used herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of Progress Software Corporation and/or one of its subsidiaries or affiliates in the U.S. and/or other countries. Otherwise, the height of each segment is based on its value. The closeField option is supported when series.type is set to "candlestick" or "ohlc". Returns a single. The aggregate function for the date series. Returning `undefined assumes the default series color. Binding categorical series to inline data, Binding categorical series to arrays of objects, Binding scatter series to arrays of objects, Binding Categorical Series to Inline Data, Binding Categorical Series to Arrays of Objects, Binding Scatter Series to Arrays of Objects, Binding categorical series to a value field, Binding categorical series to a category field, Binding Categorical Series to a Value Field, Binding Categorical Series to a Category Field. The yErrorHighField option is supported when series.type is set to "scatter", "scatterLine", or See Trademarks for appropriate markings. Returning undefined will assume the default series color.. The q3Field option is supported when series.type is set to "boxPlot". The data item field which contains the series median value. "avg" The average of all values for the date period. The major benefit of this approach is that you can associate metadata with the series points. between the series. . or "zero" - the value is assumed to be zero.. The name of the X axis. If set to true, the Chart automatically scales down to fit the content area. Copyright 2022, Progress Software Corporation and/or its subsidiaries or affiliates. The data item field which contains the series q1 value. The data item field which contains the series.errorBars yAxis high value. ; "min" - the lowest value for the date period. The neckRatio option is supported when series.type is set to "funnel" and dynamicSlope is set to false. An optional Z-index that can be used to change the default stacking order of series. Now enhanced with: The data series are the main components of the Chart. "radarLine", "radarArea", "polarLine", or "polarArea". Available for waterfall series. Supported when the series.type option is set to "area", "bar", "column", "donut", "pie", "line" or "waterfall". ; "first" - the first value; function(values, series, dataItems, category) - user-defined aggregate function. Available for donut and pie series. The line width. The data item field which contains the series note text. The chart series tooltip configuration options. The data item field which contains the current value. ; series - the point series. ; "sum" - the sum of all values for the date period. For more information on Scatter plots, refer to The array of data items which represent the series data.Can be set to : Array of objects. Matt. When set to true the ratio of the bases of each segment is calculated based on the ratio of currentDataItem.value/nextDataItem.value The last element is always created like a rectangle since there is no following element. All Rights Reserved. You can specify the data points of the Charts as part of the series definitions. A value indicating whether to show the point category name (for funnel, donut and pie series) or series name (for other available series types) in the legend. The errorLowField option is supported when series.type is set to "bar", "column", "line", or "area". The data item field which contains the series note text. The space in pixels between the different segments of the Funnel Chart. [1, 1, 10]Scatter and scatter line series need arrays of two values - X value and Y valueOHLC and candlestick series need arrays of four values - open, high, low and closeRangeBar and RangeArea series need arrays of two values - the from and to value.. More documentation is available at kendo:chart-seriesItem-outliers. The aggregate function to apply for date series.This function is used when a category (an year, month, etc.) function (point)A user-defined function that is evaluated for each point. When the Pie series is bound to objects (models), the user selects the relevant fields through the available bindings: For more information on how to configure each data-binding mode, refer to the article on binding the Kendo UI Chart to data. The data item field which contains the category name or date. More documentation is available at kendo:chart-seriesItem-target. or "smooth" - The values will be connected with a smooth line.. The errorHighField option is supported when series.type is set to "bar", "column", "line", or "area". ; category - the point category. The chart series highlighting configuration options. Each data point in the series has to be an array which contains an X and a Y value. Copyright 2022 Progress Software Corporation and/or its subsidiaries or affiliates. The data item field which contains the series.errorBars xAxis high value. Download free 30-day trial. Supported when the series.type option is set to "bubble", "scatter", "scatterLine", "ohlc", "rangeBar", "rangeArea" or polar series.Bubble series need arrays of three values - X value, Y value and Size value e.g. ; "max" - the highest value for the date period. If not set, the available space is split evenly The series opacity. The margin around each donut series (ring). specifies the ratio top-base/bottom-base of the whole chart. The configuration of the chart series.The series type is determined by the value of the type field. The Angular Chart supports the following series types: Series are declared by using the kendo-chart-series-item configuration components and placed in a kendo-chart-series collection. The field name should be a valid Javascript identifier and should contain only alphanumeric characters (or "$" or "_"), and may not start with a digit. Applies to mild outliers. group.value - the field value for this group. The name of the X axis to use.For polar series the xAxis range is expressed in degrees. The series with the highest Z-index are placed on top. You can populate the Kendo UI Chart with data by binding it to inline data and binding it to a data source. The data item field containing the X value. More documentation is available at kendo:chart-seriesItem-labels. The configuration of the Chart series highlight. Negative values are acceptable. xAxis and yAxis. The point order is insignificant. By default the series are opaque. The configuration of the Chart series marker. All Rights Reserved. 2 Answers 102 Views. The distance between series points within a category. The last element is always created like a rectangle since there is no following element. The following example demonstrates how the following JSON string is returned from the /sales service. The data item field which contains the series.errorBars yAxis low value. ; "sumOrNull" - the sum of all values for the date period. More documentation is available at kendo:chart-seriesItem-tooltip. Available for donut and pie series. For more information on how to configure each Chart series, refer to the articles on the series types. To keep the Chart consistent, all series have to contain the same number of points in an order that matches the order of the categories which are declared in categoryAxis. The or radius of the chart donut series in pixels. When set to true, the ratio of the bases of each segment is calculated based on the ratio of To bind a scatter series to an array of objects, the data point has to be an array with X and Y values. The padding around the Chart (equal on all sides). The type of the data points depends on the type of the series. The configuration of the Box Plot median value indicator (line). The Bubble series need arrays of three valuesX value, Y value, and Size valuefor example, [1, 1, 10]. The data item field containing the y value. "scatter", "scatterLine", or "bubble". A Boolean value which indicates if the series have to be stacked. Defaults to 0 if no data points are defined. Now enhanced with: The aggregate function for the date series. The data item field which contains the series color. The minimum size of the chart bubble series marker. Example. series.labels.visible is set to true. The RangeBar and RangeArea series need arrays of two valuesthe from and to value. "radarColumn", or "waterfall". The spacing option is supported when series.type is set to "bar", "column", "candlestick", "ohlc", or Negative values are acceptable. ; radius - the segment radius. The data item field which contains the series outliers value. The missingValues option is available when series.type is set to "area", "rangeArea", "line", "scatterLine", group.items - the data items in this group. See Trademarks for appropriate markings. More documentation is available at kendo:chart-seriesItem-extremes. Example - set the chart series field Edit Open In Dojo The axis orientation (horizontal or vertical) is inferred from the series type. More documentation is available at kendo:chart-seriesItem-stack. The distance between categories expressed as a percentage of the bar width.See the related spacing setting. The aggregate option is supported for categorical chart axis only. By default, the series are opaque. The medianField option is supported when series.type is set to "boxPlot". Available only for stackable series. More documentation is available at kendo:chart-seriesItem-highlight. Generally, Kendo Grid provides edit control for editable columns depending on data type that exists in the data source model. The data item field which contains a Boolean value indicating whether the sector is exploded. Array of objects. The configuration of the Chart series extremes. The series base color. The data item field which contains the series median value. The Chart displays the series labels when the series.markers.visible option is set to true. A value which indicates whether to show the point category (for Funnel, Donut, and Pie series) The name of the value axis. Available only for donut, pie and 100% stacked charts. "polarLine". The border option is supported when series.type is set to The configuration of the Chart series outliers. For more information, refer to the article on performance tips. Categorical series, such as Bar, Line, or Area, expect a data point of a numeric type. The data field containing the high value. 12.5k 1 33 55. The series color when the open value is greater than the close value. function (values, series, dataItems, category)A user-defined aggregate function. Summary columns are optional and can be one of two types: The configuration options of the target. The configuration of the whiskers for the Chart series. The errorBars option is supported when series.type is set to "bar", "column", "line", "area", For more information on how to bind the series to data, refer to the article on data binding. The axis option is supported for Scatter plots. The name of the Y axis to use. The extremes option is supported when series.type is set to "boxPlot". Kendo Number Format. Supported when the. If the neckRatio is set to 3, The configuration of the mean value indicator (line) for Box Plot series. Now enhanced with: The data item field which contains the series value. For example line series will be on top with bar and area following below. "ohlc", or "waterfall". The Chart enables you to bind it to grouped data and creates the categories depending on the first group. If not set, the available space is split evenly between the series. Only available when series.type is set to "line". The colorField option is supported when series.type The following example configures a set of Scatter Line series. Applicable for the Bar, Column, This approach allows you to access additional fields, for example, in tooltips. Progress, Telerik, and certain product names used herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of Progress Software Corporation and/or one of its subsidiaries or affiliates in the U.S. and/or other countries. The configuration options of the Chart series tooltip. Available for donut and pie series. Expressed as a percentage of the bar width.See the related gap setting. The data item field which contains the series.errorBars xAxis low value. An optional Z-index that can be used to change the default stacking order of series.The series with the highest Z-index will be placed on top.Series with no Z-index will use the default stacking order based on series type. The series color when the open value is greater than the close value. Expressed as a percentage of the bar width. The data item field which contains the summary type for the Waterfall series. ; runningTotal - the sum of point values since the last "runningTotal" summary point. The configuration of the median value indicator (line) for Box Plot series. The data item field which contains the series.errorBars high value. The type of the series.The supported values are: area; bar; bubble; bullet; candlestick; column; donut; funnel; heatmap; horizontalWaterfall; line; ohlc; pie; polarArea; polarLine; polarScatter; radarArea; radarColumn; radarLine; rangeArea; rangeBar; rangeColumn; scatter; scatterLine; verticalArea; verticalBoxPlot; verticalBullet; verticalLine; verticalRangeArea or waterfall. More documentation is available at kendo:chart-seriesItem-negativeValues. All Telerik .NET tools and Kendo UI JavaScript components in one package. For example, Line series will be on top with the Bar and Area following after. The style option is supported when series.type is set to You can bind the Chart to remote data by configuring the DataSource transport which defines the way the DataSource interacts with remote data. or "total" - Displays the sum of all previous items.. "radarLine", "radarArea", "polarLine", "polarScatter", or "polarArea". Specifies the aggregate for each data item field.. If not overridden, the stack settings of the first series are inherited as a default value by the rest of the series. The data item field which contains the series value. The data item field which contains the series.errorBars low value. is set to "bar", "column", "rangeBar", "rangeColumn", "bubble", "donut", "pie", "candlestick", The meanField option is supported when series.type is set to "boxPlot". More documentation is available at kendo:chart-seriesItem-markers. Applies to extreme outliers. The Chart displays the return value of the function instead of the individual points. (See example). The data field containing the close value. For more information on how to bind the series to data, refer to the article on data binding. Now enhanced with: New to Kendo UI for jQuery? To bind the scatter series to a data source, use the fields that are specified as xField and yField. The data field containing the color applied when the open value is greater than the close value. The xErrorLowField option is supported when series.type is set to "scatter", "scatterLine", or Telerik and Kendo UI are part of Progress product portfolio. ; startAngle - the segment start angle. You can populate the Kendo UI Chart with data by binding it to inline data and binding it to a data source. The data item field which contains the series.errorBars xAxis low value. Copyright 2022, Progress Software Corporation and/or its subsidiaries or affiliates. You can also supply the Chart with objects and specify fields to which the series will be bound. The name of the chart series which is visible in the legend. Binding the Chart to arrays of objects is a more flexible alternative which enables you to configure the fields for each series as they cannot be inferred as is the case with the simple arrays. Applies to extreme outliers. The Chart line configuration options. If set to true, the Chart automatically scales down to fit the content area. The error bars of the Chart series. Specifies the aggregate for each data item field. The function is used when a category (year, month, or other) contains two or more points. The mean option is not supported by other series types. Available for donut series. The maximum size of the Chart bubble series marker. **. The markers option is supported when series.type is set to "area", "rangeArea", "line", "scatter", "scatterLine", Area and stacked series default to "zero". ; endAngle - the segment end angle. Telerik and Kendo UI are part of Progress product portfolio. The color to use for the Bar, Column, or Waterfall series with negative values. A function that can be used to create a custom visual for the points. The Grid saveAsExcel can easily export the data in the Grid , and the format is beautiful and easy to use.Kendo Grid gives Export feature by default, what all we need to do is need to configure in the grid configurations It is cross-platform and can run on Linux via Mono or jQWidgets provides a comprehensive solution for building professional. For more information on how to configure each Chart series, refer to the articles on the series types. The q1Field option is supported when series.type is set to "boxPlot". Applicable for bar, column, pie, donut, funnel, line, scatterLine, rangeBar, rangeColumn and waterfall series. ; "count" - the number of values for the date period. If the category is a date, the points are rendered in chronological order. More documentation is available at kendo:chart-seriesItem-notes. The data item field which contains the series color. The function is used when a category (year, month, or other) contains two or more points. The configuration of the Chart series label. The usage of the DataSource incurs a performance overhead. The data field which contains the high value. See Trademarks for appropriate markings. The data field which contains the open value. Okay, I found a solution here.I've just added a k-rebind directive to my Kendo chart in the HTML so that I can make sure that it is properly bound when changes are made. Progress, Telerik, Ipswitch, and certain product names used herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of Progress Software Corporation and/or one of its subsidiaries or affiliates in the U.S. and/or other countries. The padding option is available when series.type is set to "donut" or "pie". Categorical charts use a single category axis and a single value axis. All Telerik .NET tools and Kendo UI JavaScript components in one package. It is also possible to combine the data for many series in a single object. All Telerik .NET tools and Kendo UI JavaScript components in one package. series.field String (default: "value") The data item field which contains the series value. The data item field which contains the series.errorBars xAxis high value. "line", "scatterLine", "radarLine", or "polarLine". The target option is supported when series.type is set to "bullet" or "verticalBullet". Also check series.extremes. The diameter of the donut hole in pixels. A numeric value will set all margins. The outliersField option is supported when series.type is set to "boxPlot". The radius of the Chart Donut series in pixels. Available for donut and pie series. The space in pixels between the different segments of the funnel chart. Example ; options - the point options. Progress is the leading provider of application development and digital experience technologies. 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