simio server utilization

Assume that customer arrivals are Poisson with a rate of 6 per hour (i.e., interarrival times are exponentially distributed with mean 10 minutes). At this point, we can actually run the model by clicking on the Run icon in the upper left of the ribbon. Since objects may have autonomous behavior, this allows the concept of smart resources. For the first time you can have a truly immersive 3D experience Figure 4.37: Model 4-4 with woman and ATM symbols in 3D view. The drilling machine has capacity for up to 3 parts at a time (\(c=3\) in queueing terms). Processing Time (Percent) The percentage of the run during which the resource is in the Processing state. Compared to the Pivot Grid we saw while running in Interactive Mode (Figure 4.9), we see the additional results columns for Minimum, Maximum, and Half Width (of 95% confidence intervals on the expected value, with the Confidence Level being editable in the Experiment Design Properties), reflecting the fact that we now have five independent observations of each output statistic. The results (Figure 9.43) indicate that the 1-line, 3-worker configuration results in the minimum customer time-in-system (\(14.3027\)) and an acceptable average number of rejections per hour (\(1.2296\)). Its actually quite easy to create these processes. In the processes-based model we developed in Section 4.3, we used the standard Token.TimeCreated token state to determine the time in system. In the current model, we need to add some logic so that when a patient arrives in a room (exam, treatment, or trauma), the doctor and/or nurse who will provide the treatment are called and the patient will wait in the room until the treatment resources arrive. In order to complete the queueing logic for our model, we need to set up the service process for the Server object. Figure 4.17: Setting the Seize properties to indicate that Resource1 should be seized. Adding a warm-up period corrected for this. So far weve used the word object somewhat casually. In this case, were creating a place to store the current number of entities in the model by creating an Integer Discrete State for the model (the Number In System from Figure 4.13). With Simio you can have Figure 4.9: Pivot Grid report for the interactive run of Model 4-1. The final step for setting up OptQuest is to define the objective function i.e., tell OptQuest the criterion for optimization. Figure 9.7 shows the add-on processes for the TraumaRooms object. Section 4.4 adds context to the initial model and modifies the interarrival and service-time distributions. Server utilization is a well-known process, but hardly anyone ever focuses on its "utilization" aspect. One method of computing utilization involves dividing the busy time by the day length (24 hours), yielding a utilization of \(26.17\%\). 1988). The Properties Window on the lower right side displays the properties (characteristics) of any object or item currently selected. You can confirm this by looking at the animation when its paused at the 10-hour end time. If a filter is applied to any column, the funnel icon is displayed (no mouse hover required). This is akin to rolling a die, observing a 4 (or any other single value) and declaring that value to be the expected value over a large number of rolls. In earlier sections we discussed the concept of a resource that represents a constraint in the system. A more detailed description of serial production lines and their analysis can be found in (Askin and Standridge 1993), but our brief description is sufficient for our needs. The Flow Library includes a set of objects for modeling flow processing systems and the Extras Library includes a set of material handling and warehouse-related objects. outputs, the optimization procedure decides upon a new set The specific additional features include: Since we have introduced the concept of worker schedules into our model, we must now explicitly define the work day. & 2 \le TreatmentCapacity \le 10\\ In Simio, this is most easily done by setting Maximum Arrivals on each source to 0, 1, or 2. illustrates the layout targets just after you start dragging the tab for a table. Figure 4.11: Initial experiment design for running five replications of a model. The fork lift operators costs get rolled up to the Transportation cost center. Experiment with the various SMORE plot settings viewing the histogram, rotating the plot, changing the upper and lower percentile values. The results were all read from the Pivot Grid report as described in Section 4.2. Our goal for Model 9-3 is to be able to estimate the lines maximum throughput for a given buffer configuration (the set of the sizes of buffers between the stations). or the Data Analysis Toolbar that comes with Excel, or perhaps a better and more powerful third-party statistical-analysis add-in like StatTools from Palisade Corporation. Typing a U will then jump to Uniform(min, max). Because of the extra memory involved with a state, you should generally use a Property instead of a State unless you need the ability to change values during a run. Before defining the experiment, well adjust the Processing Time properties for the three fine-pitch stations so that the performance differences will be exaggerated (just for demonstration purposes). Finally, since we deleted the StandardDay pattern that was originally referenced here, the Day 1 column indicates an error. Follow the same process to add a connector from the Output Node of the Server object to the Input Node of the Sink object. Our clients say. As mentioned above, most Simio models that you build will use the Standard Library objects and its unlikely that youll build complete models using only Simio processes. criterion is satisfied (usually given by the users preference Figure 9.52 shows the properties for the Status Pie charts for Server1 and Server3. In Simio, events are associated with objects. Simio Software provides a rich 3D virtual interface which enriches your business plans and Create your own Models in 3D: Is there any So the OrderNumber state can be used to match-up the Customer object with the Pizza objects representing pizzas in the customer order. Starved Time (Percent) The percentage of the run during which the resource is in the Starved state. After selecting the Connector, the cursor changes to a set of cross hairs. Or it may only consider requests that are in the proximity of its current location. simulation products have a way to automatically generate random samples from a variety of Engel, Remember that your Simio model is initialized empty and idle, and that it produces results that are subject to statistical variation, so design and run a Simio Experiment to deal with both of these issues; make your own decisions about things like run length, number of replications, and Warm-up Period, possibly after some trial and error. To define the list, select the Model in the Navigation pane, select the Definitions tab, and the Lists icon from the Definitions panel. Since the response values shown in Figure 9.24 are sample means across ten replications of each scenario, they are subject to sampling error. Note that neither of these interpretations is technically incorrect, they are simply two different interpretations of the concept of resource utilization, and Simio provides both as part of its default output. An object is a self-contained modeling construct that defines that constructs characteristics, data, behavior, user interface, and animation. The process continues until an appropriate termination Models a resource that can be used by other objects. Figure 5.36: Setting the referenced property for the fast fine-pitch station. The Customer Order entity is then sent to wait for the Pizza orders that comprise the order and the Pizza entities are sent for processing at the Make, Oven, and Box stations. In such a case, Simio provides an Add-In, Select Best Scenario using KN, available under the Select Add-In icon on the Experiment ribbon, to narrow things down for you; again, this is based on means. Figure 4.1: Example single-server queueing system. Comparing the model results to our expectations is the first and best way to discover problems. Similar to a box plot in its default configuration, it displays the minimum and maximum observed values, the sample mean, sample median, and lower and upper percentile values (points at or below which are that percent of the summary responses across the replications). The Pivot Grid format is extremely useful for finding information when the output includes many rows. This is sometimes repeated for several levels when you have sub-components and even sub-sub-components. So, when an entity arrives at the node, Simio will evaluate the expression for each of the candidate nodes in the list, and will route the entity to the node with a minimum value of that expression. What are the initial transient period and the warm-up period for a steady-state simulation? With this assumption, we basically have a single-server queueing model similar to the one shown in Figure 4.1. There are clearly other similar adjustments we could make to the experiment to reduce the solution space. The Source object creates arriving entities according to a specified arrival process. Properties can be of many different types including: Tip: When you create a new property it will show up in the objects Property Window. Step allows you to control model execution by moving time forward by a small amount of activity called a step. As before, we can either declare that we have four good configurations, or do additional experimentation. See Problem 8 at the end of the chapter for an alternate method of maintaining the infinite supply of raw materials at the first station. In our single-server queueing model, we defined entity arrival and service-completion events. Well also assume that, for multi-shift processes (inspection, in our case), a workers first hour is spent doing paperwork and setting up for the shift, so that theres only one worker actually performing the inspection task during those periods when worker shifts overlap. You might recall from basic math that Infinity plus anything equals Infinity. Moreover, these two modifications will tend to counteract each other in terms of the queueing metrics. In addition, most simulation software, including Simio, automatically records queue, resource, and entity-related statistics as the model runs. Branching is modeled by having two connectors originating at the same output node (boards leaving inspection are transferred to either the GoodParts sink or the BadParts sink). If you encountered a warning or error, go back and look at it again carefully. Remember that your Simio models are initialized empty and idle, and that they produce results that are subject to statistical variation, so design and run Simio Experiments to deal with both of these issues; make your own decisions about things like run length, number of replications, and Warm-up Period, possibly after some trial and error. Since the expected percentage of time that the placement machine is idle (\((1 - 0.9010) \times 100 = 9.91\%)\) is greater than the expected percentage of failed time, wed expect the system to remain stable. This property should be set to Random.Exponential(1) with the Units property being Minutes. Similarly, the second arriving entity will likely spend less time in the queue (on average) than the 100th arriving entity (since the only possible entity in front of the second entity will be the first entity). Before using our model to analyze our system, we need to have some confidence that our model is correct. In the current context, this involves verifying that our model behaves as expected (i.e., that weve correctly translated the specifications into our working Simio model). What we need instead of the default behavior is to ensure that the subsequent resource has available capacity before we release the current resource (i.e., making sure that the entity has somewhere to go before it starts going). Simios default behavior is to use the same sequence of random variates (draws or observations on model-driving inputs like interarrival and service times) each time a model is run. Figure 4.38: Using trace, watch, and break windows in custom layout. Resources have automatic statistics on scheduled and allocated capacity. The SetNode step for the newly created Pizza entity objects sets the destination Node Name property to Input@Make so that the objects will be transferred to the Make object. All tokens wait in a single allocation queue for a specific resource. Figure 5.6: Relationships between Tokens, Objects, and Processes. We then did further experimentation with the scenarios in the possible best subset. where the successively generated inputs produce varying Model 10-3 in Section 10.2 presents a use-case in detail. The chapter is comprised of three separate models, each of which demonstrates one or more advanced concept. Had we wanted to track the statistics separately by part type (Good and Bad), we would have simply used two different Tally Statistics. Fortunately, Simio handles this process for us transparently, but we cant run multiple replications in Interactive mode. The entity instances are placed in the model, in this case an Adult person and a Child person. We see that theres some tendency for average time in system to be higher when the server utilization is higher, but there are plenty of exceptions to this since there is a lot of random noise in these results. While we cant say with any certainty that OptQuest finds the best solution, its quite likely that OptQuest can do better than you (or we) could do by just arbitrarily searching through the feasible region (especially after youve reached your 37th scenario and are tired of looking at the computer). Patients come to the treatment from either the trauma room (Urgent patients) or from the exam room (Moderate and Severe patients) so we cannot use the entity creation time to track the patient waiting time (as we did before). In each case, first compute numerical values for the queueing-theoretic steady-state output performance metrics \(W_q\), \(W\), \(L_q\), \(L\), and \(\rho\) from the results in Section 2.3, and then compare these with your simulation estimates and confidence intervals. Add the Release step immediately after the Delay step and set the Releases property to Resource1. The results for running 500 replications of our model with replication length 30 hours and warm-up of 20 hours (the same conditions as we used in Section 4.2.5) are given in Table 4.6. To incorporate this failure model into Model 5-2, we need to set the Failure Type property to Calendar Time Based, the Uptime Between Failures property to Random.Exponential(6) Hours, and the Time to Repair property to Random.Exponential(30) Minutes (see Figure 5.27). Maybe more meaningful as a really bad worst-case time in system, though, would be the 0.5096 hour, being the maximum of the five within-replication maximum times in system. Figure 5.8: Excerpt of expression builder choices. In Simio you specify a random When the second server is available it removes the first entity waiting in the queue and begins processing. Repeat Problem 15, except use the \(D/D/1\) queueing model from Problem 10 in Chapter 2. Scrolling down to the TimeInSystem - Average (Hours) heading on the left will show a Value of 0.06126, the same (up to roundoff) as we saw for this output performance measure in the Pivot Grid in Figure 4.9. Lab 6_Simio_Calculations - 3-Server Model Expectations Arrival Rate(per hour IAT(min Capacity Process Rate(per hour Process Time(min Utilization Number. An object is a self-contained modeling construct that defines that construct's characteristics, data, behavior, user interface, and animation. And the confidence-intervals seem reasonably tight, indicating that the 500 replications we made are enough to form reasonably precise conclusions. The general process for creating user-defined observational (tally) statistics is as follows: We will follow this same general process wherever we incorporate user-defined observational statistics. Note that we have set the Initial Capacity property to 1 and the Input Buffer property to a referenced property named NumLines. The only difference is that the TraumaRooms_Processing process includes two seize steps one to seize a Doctor object and one to seize a Nurse object or a Doctor object. Each of these will have a property named Initial Desired Speed but each one could have a different value of that property (e.g., The Initial Desired Speed of PartA doesnt necessarily equal that of PartB). While some scenarios may appear better than others in the SMORE plots for TIS and WIP, we must be careful to use statistically valid comparisons before drawing formal conclusions. Random.Triangular(6,9,12), which produces random processing times from a triangular distribution). Record the value (stored in the TimesProcessed entity state) at the appropriate location in the model. When theres a mismatch between our expectations and the model results, we must find and fix the problems with the model, the expectations, or both. Each has a unique ID and may reference a changeable symbol. These are the project model tabs used to select between multiple windows that are associated with the active model or experiment. Simio makes modeling To download a PDF version of this white paper, click here. Have a queue where tokens wait for capacity to become available. The process ExamRooms_Processing is executed when an entity has been allocated server capacity (the ExamRooms Server) and is about to start processing and the ExamRooms_AfterProcessing add-on process is executed when an entity has completed processing and is about to release the server capacity. Develop an interesting animation for your model. Naturally, the next question should be Is this really the truly optimal solution? Unfortunately, the answer is that were not sure (actually, we do know that this is not the optimal solution for this problem, but we cheated a bit described below and we will not know the answer in general). Although the basic model-building and analysis processes themselves arent specific to Simio, well focus on Simio as an implementation vehicle. Figure 9.22 shows the properties for the Satisfaction response (note that, with the exception of setting the Lower Bound property to 0.8, this response is the same as the corresponding Satisfaction response in the previous experiment). What is the difference between a tokens, Develop a queueing model that gives the steady-state values analogous to the values in Table, Consider an office where people come to get their drivers licenses. Figure 9.39: Combiner object with one parent and two member objects in queue. Each tab relates to a type of activity, such as running a model or drawing symbols. Change the Work Schedule Name to InspectionSchedule and change the Description to Daily schedule for inspectors. Luckily, the Simio Server object makes it fairly easy to model this type of overlapping resources situation. As with Model 9-3, there are finite-capacity buffers between each pair of stations (assume that the first station is never starved and the last station is never blocked). The scenarios are sorted in order of increasing value of CustTIS resulting in the best configuration(s) in terms of the time that customers spend in the system being at the top of the table. The other queues in the Simio model are not used in our simple model (actually, the entities simply move through these queues instantly, in zero simulated time). Leave all other properties on all objects at their defaults. States are defined within an object (see Figure 5.3) to hold the value of something that might change while a model is running. Because these states can be assigned as they move through the model, each entity created (the dynamic runspace) could have a different value for the state Speed. As such, the waiting times will be tallied by patient type. Visually, if the confidence-interval bands on the SMORE plot are too wide to suit you, then you need to run more replications. Another thing to note about our processes model is that it runs significantly faster than the corresponding Standard Library objects model (to see this, simply increase the run length for both models and run them one after another). Simulation lets you validate proposed designs and make the best use of your limited We named the state TimesProcessed for this model. The time range for the plot should be 25 hours. This is clearly not the case in our ATM model where customers walk from the entrance to the ATM and from the ATM to the exit (most models ofreal" systems involves some type of similar entity movement). Activity-Based Costing is a method of assigning costs to products or services based on the resources consumed. A Continuous State (or continuous-change state) will change continuously and automatically when its rate or acceleration is non-zero. So, instead of simply using the averages (point estimates), well also use the confidence intervals (interval estimates) when analyzing results. The final enhancement for Model 5-2 is to incorporate random machine failures for the placement machine (note that we also gave a machine-failure example in Section 5.1.4). Turn on resource usage logging for the ATM server object. In addition, this predictability can be used to reduce the required simulation run time through a variety of techniques called variance reduction, which are discussed in general simulation texts (such as (Banks et al. As shown in Table 9.1, patients in the exam room need either a doctor or a nurse, with the preference being a doctor if both are available. The completed ATM model (Model 4-3) is shown in Figure 4.20. As such, the ModelEntity.NumberOrdered entity state specifies how many pizzas belong to the order (recall that we used this same entity state to specify the number of Pizza objects to create above). The controls columns include the referenced properties that we created and used to specify the initial capacities of the three fine-pitch placement machine objects. Begin typing Math and enter a period to complete the word and provide a list of all available math functions. For many of the same reasons that OOP has revolutionized the software-development industry, it is revolutionizing the simulation industry. You specify As wed expect, the number of times that a board is processed does not appear to depend on whether we buy a fast, medium, or slow fine-pitch placement machine. \[\begin{eqnarray*} This will open the 3D Warehouse web page ( in your default web browser. gives the results from running 25 replications each with length 1200 hours and a 200 hour warm-up period. The Project Library includes the objects defined in the current project. For our initial model, we used Connectors to connect the objects and specify the entity flow. Open the drop-box for the data source and select the Date-Hour-Minute option from the list. If it is a stable system, estimate the overall Number in System and Time in . Destroys entities that have completed processing in the model. and then depart the system. Figure 5.17: Setting the State Assignments property for the Placement object. Although simulation and animation have been around for many years, Simio makes modeling Figure 4.8: Setting the interarrival-time distribution for the Source object. Dynamic Ranking examines every waiting entity each time an allocation is attempted. Note that this allows only two scenarios to be compared at a time, so in a situation like ours with more than two scenarios, we could perhaps do all pairwise comparisons (Fast vs.Medium, then Fast vs.Slow, then Medium vs.Slow), but we need to remember that the overall confidence level degrades when doing multiple statistical comparisons in this way. If there is no buffer between two stations, we simply assign a zero-capacity buffer (for consistency in notation). To use this table, we first define the schedule and then tell the Inspection object to use the schedule to determine the objects resource capacity. For example, the Ranking Rule for the Server is selected from a drop-down list and the Processing Time is specified as an expression. \frac{\mbox{E(service time)}}{\mbox{E(interarrival time)}} = \frac{(0.15 + 1.00 + 1.75)/3}{1.25} = 0.80 Figure 4.34: Navigating to Simio symbol library. The Standard, Flow, and Extras libraries can be opened by clicking on their respective names at the bottom of the libraries window (only one can be open at a time). . Simio and Simulation - Modeling, Analysis, Applications - 6th Edition. Figure 9.47: Properties for the Server1 object in Model 9-3. through the system and the resources that constrain that flow. For example, a token might have a state that tracks the number of times the token has passed through a specific point in the logic. Otherwise, the board will be rejected. Customers can either have their doctor fax their prescriptions ahead of time and come at a later time to pick up their prescriptions or they can walk in with the prescriptions and wait for them to be filled. gives the number of entities that exit the FinepitchFastStation object. Recall that Add-on processes provide a mechanism to supplement the logic in existing Simio objects. For example, if the sample average is 50 and you set the Error Percent to 0.1 (which says that you want the confidence-interval half-width to be at most 10% of the average, so roughly speaking 10% error), the confidence-interval will be at least as precise as 50, Starved - The server is idle and waiting for an entity, Processing - The server is processing one or more entities, Blocked - The server has completed processing, but the entity cannot release the server, Offshift - The server uses a schedule and is off-shift. Its current location a step Seize properties to indicate that Resource1 should be seized available it removes the entity... Initial capacity property to a referenced property for the TraumaRooms object referenced properties that we four... Discover problems and a Child person, this allows the concept of smart.. Across ten replications of each scenario, they are subject to sampling error charts for Server1 and Server3 reference... 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