worst thing to say while being tortured

Their waste attracted vermin including flies, worms, parasites, and other insects that would feast on the waste while laying eggs on, around, and inside the victim who could barely move to stop it. In this form of execution, the accused was trapped between two boats (or in a hollowed-out tree trunk) and force-fed milk and honey. Scary, painful, but not real. That means that they dehumanize their victims to make it easier to torture them. I won't even make it to your first torture tactic. Another one from medieval times, the rat torture method began by strapping the victim to a table. Its a lesson we hope to never learn. * I have confidential information on the Clintons. They can be deprived of food and water; they can be deprived of light. Both psychological and physical torture complement each other causing severe pain to people who were affected by it. The human mind has long been capable of dreaming up new and terrible ways to punish alleged transgressors, villains, witches, and anyone else who was unlucky enough to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Pop Trigger / YouTube. Legally, the absolute prohibition of torture and other-ill treatment is non-derogable. Introverts and extroverts have their own ways of doing things. Torture methods, such as sham executions, rape, sexual assaults, humiliation and sleep deprivation often leave physical consequences on affected persons such as chronic pain in certain parts of body and inability to lead a healthy and prolonged lifestyle. And there are a few that have not yet gone, too. Afterward, the condemned was quartered, i.e. Most introverts like people a lot, but usually in smaller doses, and only if they never say any of the things on this list. * Pineapple goes good on pizza. The prohibition of torture is enshrined in many conventions and declarations within the international human rights and humanitarian law. In Frank Miller and Jim Lee's All-Star Batman and Robin, which gives a new version of Robin's origin, Batman kidnaps Dick Grayson shortly after his parents are killed and tortures the young boy into becoming Robin. Humans are not designed to withstand this sort of pain and suffering. Check your emails to confirm your subscription. 10. Guards wear all white, lights are kept on 24 hours a day, and no words are spoken. But now were stepping it up a gear and going to an extreme that may stop us from getting any sleep tonight. "you have deprrived me ohf my esssssence". His hands knew no other shape than fists curled tightly around a sword, swinging eternally, finding its mark through skin and bone. As already mentioned, torture methods are ineffective interrogation tool and evidence extracted from torture cannot be used as evidence. As previously mentioned, a person will say or do anything under torture or even under a threat of torture to avoid the pain. Wait, really? The use of torture by an institution can lead to internal dissent and damage its integrity. But few people who hear it and even say it know just how disturbing it was. Offenders were tied with rope and dragged underwater from one end of the ship to the other. We'll never spam. You can check out his latest on Twitter: @TalkingBull or on his blog: jonathanhkantor.com, 10 Movie Characters Who Were Only There To Die, 11 Common Movie Tropes That Would Actually Ruin Your Life, 10 Unsolved Mysteries That May Have Finally Been Solved, 10 Stephen King Universe Fates Worse Than Death, 10 Things You Didn't Know About Harry Potter's Scar, 10 Endings Stephen King Actually Got Right, 10 Popular History Myths (You Probably Believe). Future Publishing Limited Quay House, The Ambury, Bath BA1 1UA. There are dozens of them all over the country, dipensing lethal justice closer to the scenes of crimes. Keelhauling was a type of punishment specifically for sailors, dreamt up by the Dutch navy in the late 16th century. Individual perpetrators, thus, can be held criminally responsible for committing these crimes. If the animals didnt kill the alleged murderer, drowning surely would. The upright jerker was an interesting twist on a classic execution method. What is my goal for torturing them? Therefore, this article offers an overview of five reasons why torture should be banned and why it does not work as an appropriate method of punishment. Its little surprise, really, considering that China conducts the most executions per year of any country in the world. Be warned: Some of the descriptions and images used in this list are not for the light-hearted. Worst Torture Methods: Including the Most Painful Ever, Murder Mystery Dinner: Real Deaths and Shocking Events, Launch of Ways to Die: A Lighter Look at the Dark Side of Life. The condemned was stripped and then placed in a vat or pot of boiling liquid, usually water, oil, or tar. The historical account of Persian scaphism comes from Plutarch's description of the execution of Mithridates who is said to have taken 17 days to expire. Thats why torture is so cruel, so sickening, and reserved only for those extreme moments. It has been used for thousands of years and it is still occurring throughout much of the world. The one at the back of your knee that connects the upper leg to the lower leg? Its bad enough imagining being clawed and bitten to death by a maniacal rat, but bear in mind that it would have taken a long time to bleed to death and the possibility of having a rat eat a passage through your internal organs was very real. Similarly, victims who are deprived of sleep may become confused and disoriented, which can cause them to convince themselves in things interrogators are suggesting them and, in this way, produce false information. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. At the Minds Limits: Contemplations by a Survivor on Auschwitz and Its Realities. Whether these methods were devised as a means of extracting information, punishing people for crimes perceived and actual, or simply as a way of killing them with the most pain possible, all are brutal and horrific. Most often, state authorities and politicians who support torture are not the ones who inflict it personally. * Twilight ( the m. Many are well known while some are fortunately buried deep in the history books where only the most curious may find them. Also, she earned a masters degree in Democracy and Human Rights from the University of Sarajevo and University of Bologna. gabriel (gabe), Tuesday, 8 April 2003 16:10 (nineteen years ago) link. States often use torture methods to extract confessions or certain type of information from people. you can have the zucchini bread recipe!". Sadly, society has yet to catch up to science, and introverts often find themselves the subject of well-meaning questions and observations that are in no way helpful, like the following common remarks. To add injury to injury, salt was poured into the wound. Torture, in this way, violates the human dignity and rights of the victim. You know whats not fun? This is like Human Frae Gras, only the goal is to make you suffer and not to eat your fatty liver. It is often said that the worst way to extract information from someone is to torture them. Nobody knows that better than the torturers themselves However, the acts of torture do not only harm the victims, but it also damages the moral reputation of the government and institution that carries it out. Read on about these 15 terrifying types of torture, but please dont try this at home. Ada Hasanagi is a human rights professional currently working as a researcher at the Delegation of the International Committee of the Red Cross in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. This is code for "Everyone else already knows each other and it will be impossible for you to start a conversation with someone.". Worst Torture Methods. Can you feel that tendon below your hamstring? They would then force the victim onto the log, backside first, using the grease to give him a rather painful wooden enema. But take heart, they werent eaten afterward. Fakhravar was quoted as saying when he was released, he was not a normal person anymore, and could no longer remember even the faces of his parents. * Wow, the gun really makes the color in your eyes pop. They were taken down just before they breathed their last breath and then the drawing would begin. What Is Life Insurance, And Who Needs It? Even though torture is internationally outlawed and illegal, many countries and armed group still use it. 35 Legit Ways To Get Money Quickly, How To Start A Blog And Make Money Online In 8 Steps, How To Start Your Online Store In 35 Minutes With Shopify, 30 Easy Ways To Save Money You Can Start Doing Now, 20 Ways To Save Money On Monthly Bills You Cant Escape, The 13 Best Coupon Apps You Need To Start Using In 2022, Furnish Your Home For Free: 47 Ways To Get Free Furniture, 12 Ways To Find Affordable Or Free Therapy, Your Ultimate Guide To Finding A Cheap Gym Membership, Look Good, Pay Less: 11 Ways To Get A Cheap Haircut, 4 Best Student Loan Refinance Companies Of 2022, Heres How To Get A Coronavirus Relief Loan For Your Business, 4 Best Sites To Get Free Car Insurance Quotes, 7 Simple Ways To Get Cheaper Car Insurance. The most common is sleep deprivation, where they are slapped or electrocuted whenever they fall asleep, keeping them awake and pliable. What if someone really wrongs you? Torture is one of the most extreme forms of human violence, resulting in both physical and psychological consequences. The punishment was first doled out in England in the 13th century. #answer to @zombiikitti imagine this was posted as a story. The condemned was sewn into a leather sack with a number of animals, including a dog, a monkey, a snake, and a rooster. In fact, many countries have failed to criminalize torture and other forms of ill-treatment under their national laws and continue to defy international law by applying various torture methods. While the term "white torture" can mean any psychological torture in general, the meaning here is more literal. Hanging, while it is a true standby all around the world, leaves much to be desired in terms of effectiveness. Unsubscribe at any time. Applying torture methods of these types on someone can directly damage their memory and cause an extreme psychological trauma. It was never used as a torture device and was really just a showpiece invented later. It was never used as a torture device and was really just a showpiece invented later. This contraption would pull life and limb from victims. A mother, a father, a home. Okay, that part doesnt sound so bad. Youve probably heard of this one before, but you probably dont know just how extreme and disturbing it was. For example, in the Article 5 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights it is enshrined that No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. I'll assume man. It sounds as sick as it is. Or, for a more gruesome experience, the offender could be placed in cool liquid and then heated to boiling. Theyre probably trying really hard to get their brain to calm down so they can act normal; drawing attention to them by asking questions like, Why are you so quiet? is only going to make them feel more on edge and flustered. Yawn. had his body split in quarters, sometimes by tying each limb to a different horse and having them run in opposite directions. It seems logistics is a factor with third place being "What's the . Being hanged, drawn and quartered was a punishment reserved only for the worst crimes, which, in medieval England, was treason. This method of torture was often called "The Boats" and was used by the ancient Persians for the sole purpose of a lengthy execution. In most cases it is marginalized and poor people who get beaten, raped by police and humiliated, with no one to hear their cries for help and help them. The most precise definition of torture is outlined in the UN Convention Against Torture, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CAT), which defines it as Any act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is intentionally inflicted on a person for such purposes as obtaining from him or a third person information or a confession, punishing him for an act he or a third person has committed or is suspected of having committed, or intimidating or coercing him or a third person, or for any reason based on discrimination of any kind, when such pain or suffering is inflicted by or at the instigation of or with the consent or acquiescence of a public official or other person acting in an official capacity. The gridiron was basically a grill. Inflicting torture on someone does not end without consequences. Weve already discussed the worst ways to die on this site and weve covered medieval torture before as well. It's a constant, violent struggle for survival, in which men kill each other for reasons their government or leaders assure them are very good. No color is seen. The curation of this content is at the discretion of the author, and not necessarily reflective of the views of Encyclopaedia Britannica or its editorial staff. This, basically, means that interrogators may unintentionally plant false memories in victims and compromise their cognitive functions which are key in obtaining accurate information. Scalded, agonized and looking pretty damn stupid, this has been used to teach people a lesson throughout history. Luckily it was banned in 1905. Just because introverts dont interact with people in the same way as extroverts, it doesnt actually mean that theyre robots with no emotions. Is this a man or woman as my methods would be different? They leave to others to enforce their policies and apply torture methods, which affects them on a psychological level by being rooted deeply within their brain circuit. There are much gentler ways to let a person know that theyre disliked without totally crushing their spirit; perhaps its not even necessary to mention this at all. Of all the ways people have thought up to kill someone, scaphism is probably the most disgusting. Get free updates about online courses, paid internships, bachelor's and master's programs, scholarships, summer schools and other educational opportunities delivered to your inbox. Confessions and information obtained through torture, thus, do not count as evidence under international law. Visit our corporate site (opens in new tab). Previously, Ada graduated with honors from the Sarajevo School of Science and Technology and the University of Buckingham in the fields of Political Science and International Relations. A hot rock or other heating element would be placed on the top of the case, creating an intense heat that scared the rat into action and forced it to dig its way to freedom, straight through the victims flesh. Records from the reign of Henry VIII show that some people were boiled for up to two hours before they finally died. The victim would be covered in hot tar, before being rolled around in feathers. Like steals your sheep or somehow must have caused a crop failure or something because they gave you a shifty look that one time? Of all the ways people have thought up to kill someone, scaphism is probably the most disgusting. 12 Novels Considered the Greatest Book Ever Written, https://www.britannica.com/list/cruel-and-unusual-punishments-15-types-of-torture, Gurney used for lethal injection of death penalty convicts. It was used in ancient Rome in cases of parricide (or killing ones parents or other close family member). The accused was drawntied to a horse and dragged to the gallowsand then usually hanged, maybe disemboweled, or beheaded. men and women throughout history who crafted the most brutal and disturbing means of execution through pain. In a moment well look at the three most painful torture methods ever, but lets look at some of the other methods worthy of being described as the worst torture methods: Common even today, deprivation methods take away an essential human need until that human is a miserable, suffering zombie. You're thinking of Dan!" mark p (Mark P), Tuesday, 8 April 2003 16:10 (nineteen years ago) link. Vlad the Impaler was a Romanian warlord and a very disturbed individual. But it had been so longtoo longand now all he knew was this bloody game. China has made capital punishment shockingly efficient. Some people were even basted in oil first, to ensure proper broiling. This punishment was reserved for those guilty of treason, and was abolished in 1867. Thats known as the Hamstring Tendon, and this method basically incapacitates the victim by severing it. While the term "white torture" can mean any psychological torture in general, the meaning here is more literal. If descriptions and depictions of torture make you queasy, read with caution! And if you think thats bad, take a look at Really Old Torture Methods. According to the Article 4 of the CAT, all countries must ensure that all acts of torture are regarded as offences under their criminal law, including attempts to commit torture and any acts by any person that constitute participation or complicity of torture. While the physical pain of sensory deprivation is minimal compared to other tortures on this list, the psychological damage is beyond compare. The person would inevitably die--either of dehydration, exposure, or bite and sting wounds. Often, their definition of a crowd can be as few as four or five people. He was the man that the Dracula legend was based on, but his real life was much more disturbing than the fictional vampire. The right to freedom from torture is a universally recognized human right and one of the foundations of international law. At this point they were still alive, no doubt screaming in sheer terror as they were forced to watch their insides and their genitals burned in front of them. The victim was placed within a floating raft or enclosed barrel with their limbs tied to the sides so they couldn't move. Drawing and quartering is one of the most infamous methods of cruel and unusual punishment. They also use torture to destroy the autonomy of the victim. This is code for Everyone else already knows each other and it will be impossible for you to start a conversation with someone., Im just going to leave you here alone with your feelings of social inadequacy.. For roasting people. He must have had a life before this. Easily one of the worst torture methods and the most common, this involves removing the nails of the victim one by one. It says that, "any confession made under force, threat, or torture shall not be . He writes for ScreenRant, CBR, NerdBastards, Listverse, Ranker, WhatCulture, and many other sites online. This has been a simple solution to unwanted nuisances for centuries. However, infliction of torture methods does not cause psychological trauma only to victims, but also to the torturers. It does not take long for one to conclude that torture acts are cruel, immoral and dehumanizing. UN Convention Against Torture, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CAT), international human rights and humanitarian law, 11 Student Protests That Changed The World, 10 Biggest Human Rights Challenges in Australia, 15 Artists Using Music to Promote Human Rights, By continuing, you accept the privacy policy. According to some psychologists, the stress caused by torture will most often affect parts of the brain associated with memory and force victims to lie or repeat information they heard from their torturers. This is a weirdly specific method of execution, but you cant argue with its effectiveness. If you live in the UK, you will be familiar with this method, but probably in name only. Everything You Need To Know About Debt Consolidation, Tell This Company To Pay Your Credit Card Bill This Month, How To Improve Your Credit Score: 12 Step Guide, 35 Ways To Get Free Advertising For Your Business, 9 Everyday Small Business Tools And Needs To Thrive. As already mentioned, perhaps the most significant international law instrument used to combat torture is the Convention Against Torture, or the CAT. Many executions in China are now performed in mobile execution units, vans that are equipped with restraints and drugs necessary for lethal injection. Telling an introvert that youre taking them to a social event at which they wont know anyone? Additionally, countries are obliged to search for persons suspected to have committed acts of torture and make torture an extraditable offence in any extradition treaty they sign with other country. In these cases, victims are tortured until they accept to abandon their own belief systems and views and adopt those of their torturers. Its still difficult to believe its an actual thing that was conceived by actual humans and happened to actual unfortunate souls. One such example was provided by the Amnesty International that reported on the case of torture that took place in 2012 when Mexican marines broke into Claudia Medinas home and took her to the local navy base where she was given electric shocks, wrapped in plastic and beaten, and forced to inhale chilly. Medina later stated that if she had not been tortured, she would have not signed the statement. For this reason, people who had been affected by torture should have access to redress such as medical care, reintegration into society, rehabilitation and counseling. 8. As you might guess, it was common in areas where elephants are naturally found, primarily in South and Southeast Asia. You have probably heard about a few horrifying torture methods before. According to advocates against torture, torturers rather treat as a thing than a person. This method of torture was often called "The Boats" and was . They all tried to run, of course . Thought to have originated in medieval times during the Inquisition, strappado has been used into the 21st century. The Iron Maiden, for instance, is a well known contraption that basically locked victims into a human-shaped metallic box lined with spikes. In strappado, the guilty party is strung up by the wrists, behind the head. It was described by the Greeks as a punishment used by the Persians, and if they are to be believed, those Persians were insane. Disclosure: Human Rights Careers may be compensated by course providers. As one might expect, it looked like an iron grid, and was placed over a fire or burning coals. At this point the log would still be horizontal, but once the victim was firmly fixed it would be propelled vertical. Its been proven that their brains are wired differently and that while extroverts enjoy stimulating environments, introverts need more time to recover from what they perceive as an overwhelming rush of overstimulation. You might as well tell an introvert that theyll need to build a submersible by hand and descend into the Mariana Trench, which is actually something theyd probably rather do than speak in front of a large group of people. This is what theyll hear: Im taking you to hell and I expect you to enjoy yourself.. "There'll Be Plenty Of People There You Can Talk To". White torture is a type of sensory deprivation in which a prisoner's cell, clothes, and even food are entirely white. While many died from the practice due to drowning or internal injuries, in theory it wasnt always meant to be fatal. Usually, the application of physical, mental and psychological pressure forces victims of torture to say or confess anything just to end the painful experience. Scrapes fork on teeth. Thus, all states should consider other, more reliable ways, to collect information while applying principles of humanity and respecting human rights. Second of all, accusing someone of never talking is not likely to make them start talking to you; its more likely to make them walk away and start talking to someone else. Nowadays, boiling alive is a fate reserved for shellfish. "I'll Be Right Back". Heor rather his menwould take large logs, coating one end in animal grease and then pressing the other end into the ground. While its largely fallen out of fashion, Iran still employs this method for state executions. Just doing the worst things to them I can think of or am I trying to make them talk? As soon as Im done climbing the walls and clawing my own face off with anxiety, Ill get right on that. What resulted was the victim's death as a result of a combination of factors: exposure, intense pain from insects burrowing inside their bodies, and septic shock. * I want to speak to your manager. The blood eagle comes from Nordic legends of Viking executions. Torturers rather treat as a torture device and was worst thing to say while being tortured over a fire or burning.. From the reign of Henry VIII show that some people were even basted in oil first, using grease... Psychological trauma they could n't move disturbed individual unwanted nuisances for centuries:! As Im done climbing the walls and clawing my own face off anxiety... 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worst thing to say while being tortured