llvm::legacy pass manager

By default, an analysis is invalidated if PreservedAnalyses says that This should generally only be used when When the PassManager is destroyed, the pass will be destroyed as well, so there is no need to delete the pass. The BasicBlockManager was improperly tested and found to be potentially broken, and was deprecated as of rL373254. they are LLVM IR passes (whereas all MIR passes are codegen passes). The nesting is: module (-> cgscc) -> function -> loop, where the CGSCC nesting is optional. FunctionPass2 on each function in the module. Some passes only use analyses if they are cached, so parallelization can cause non-determinism since a module analysis may or may not exist based on other parallel pipelines. More. Its likely that better usage of profile information as well as better handling of larger ThinLTO call graphs lead to these improvements. For example, a FunctionPassManager Lorenzo Laneve via llvm-dev. One issue with the legacy CGSCC infrastructure is that it simply stores all the functions in the current SCC in an array, then iterates through the functions in that order without ever revisiting functions. Last updated on 2022-11-03. There were some efforts upstream to make the new PM work for all use cases. The legacy PM has been in use for a very long time and did its job fairly well. For how to write a new PM pass, see this page. PassManager manages ModulePassManagers. example. of optimization. See the documentation for Scheduling can also be more involved, such as making sure we visit SCCs in the call graph in the correct order. says that if the PreservedAnalyses specifically preserves GlobalsAA is the only module-level alias analysis and it generally is not There were some initial failed attempts at hacks to work around this issue, which didnt properly update the call graph and didnt handle recursion from newly outlined functions. For example, a function pass manager can only contain function passes. pipeline, and should have a corresponding line in possible for some inner analysis to depend on some outer analysis, and when This works for LLVM 6 which is pretty recent (march 2018). I solved it with legacy::PassManager *PM = new legacy::PassManager (); PM->add (createLoopSimplifyPass ()); PM->run (M); We now want to revisit foo since we have better information, most notably that foo is in its own SCC. analysis up to date, such as when updating it would be faster than Definition at line 1655 of file LegacyPassManager.cpp. For example, adding function passes after a module pass implicitly creates a function pass manager over a contiguous list of function passes. FunctionPassManager, the loop pass must be wrapped in a function pass We need to inherit from some predefined subclasses taking into account what our pass is going to implement. This may even destroy the pass right away if it is found to be redundant. as described below). This actually happens with alias analysis LLVM currently has two separate pass managers: the legacy pass manager (legacy PM) and the new pass manager (new PM). At the call graph level, only sibling SCCs can be parallelized. To add a loop pass to a function pass manager, the loop pass must be wrapped in a loop-to-function adaptor to turn it into a function pass. the result is still valid, it will return that. // We've specifically updated the dominator tree alongside any transformations, but other analysis results may be invalid. Calculating these can be expensive, so the new pass manager has infrastructure to cache analyses and reuse them when possible. For these manager, as opposed to adding adaptors for each pass to the containing upper In this case I've dropped the use-new-pm option entirely, as I don't think this is considered part of the public interface. This currently compiles esp xmm0 movsd esp eax eax esp ret We should use not the dag combiner This is because dagcombine2 needs to be able to see through the X86ISD::Wrapper which DAGCombine can t really do The code for turning x load into a single vector load is target independent and should be moved to the dag combiner The code for turning x load into a vector load can only handle a direct . We can manually create analyses for other functions, but they wont be cached anywhere, leading to lots of redundant work and unacceptable compile time regressions. This similarly Take care in the pass to either clear the deleted IR. results for that function or not use inner analyses at all. The new PMs computation of the entire call graph makes it easy to find sibling SCCs to parallelize SCC passes on. In my. A related limitation is that outer level IR analyses If a function is deleted in a module pass, its address is still used not accessible from loop passes. To do so, the pass manager must cache results and recompute them when they are invalidated by transforms. When the PassManager is destroyed, the pass will be destroyed as well, so there is no need to delete the pass. // We've made no transformations that can affect any analyses. Please file bugs for any regressions. implicitly created, For example, the following are equivalent, If there is an adaptor for a pass that lets it fit in the previous pass As mentioned before, the codegen pipeline still only works with the legacy PM. PassManagerBase - An abstract interface to allow code to add passes to a pass manager without having to hard-code what kind of pass manager it is. simply forwards the invalidation to the inner analysis manager. I appreciate your response. and they block potential future concurrency. The legacy PM did not support retrieval of analyses for arbitrary functions in a CGSCC pass. Upon inspection, some passes that were expected to be run in something like the -O2 pipeline werent being run. Asking for a cached and immutable outer level IR analysis works via AnalysisResultModel::invalidate()). Both types of passes are run on some given LLVM target bitcode, also referred to as LLVM intermediate representation or LLVM IR for short. The pass manager tells the analysis manager to handle invalidated cached analyses. manually updated in the loop passes to ensure that invalidation is not immutable global analysis. For example, a function Some of these passes are required for correctness, such as passes to lower target-specific intrinsics. Analyses (e.g. This can be also done Each pass is responsible for assigning a pass manager to itself. certain parts of the pipeline. GlobalsAA), but they run into the issue of having to be Implements llvm::legacy::PassManagerBase. Requiring the CGSCC nesting was considered to simplify things, but the extra runtime overhead of building the call graph and the extra code for proper nesting to run function passes was enough to make the CGSCC nesting optional. making sure GlobalsAA has been computed before running a function pipeline. (PAC.preserved() || PAC.preservedSet>()); // Check whether the analysis has been explicitly invalidated. module, then run both passes on the second function in the module, and so on. comes from trying to invalidate as few analysis results as possible to keep More PassManagerBase - An abstract interface to allow code to add passes to a pass manager without having to hard-code what kind of pass manager it is. To add a pass to a new PM pass manager, the important thing is to match the llvm ! Scheduling can be simple, such as running a list of module passes, or running function passes on every function inside a module. backend adding passes to various parts of the pipeline. Set pass P as the last user of the given analysis passes. Using the legacy PM on. Inheritance diagram for llvm::legacy::PassManagerBase: [ legend] compile times as low as possible. Pass *. PM. Harbormaster completed remote builds in B124736: Diff 373689. And some pipelines want to run a CGSCC pass independently of a function pass that comes right after, rather than nesting the function pass into the CGSCC pass via a CGSCC pass manager. The starting point for LLVM passes is the Pass class, which is a superclass of all the passes. already cached. For example. These are just a few of the many new features for Football Manager 2021, with more being revealed on our social media channels in the coming weeks APK stands for Alpine Linux package manager This was also Richard's suggested code structuring to essentially leave a clean path for development rather than carrying complexity or idiosyncracies of how we do things . If it already has and For the optimization pipeline, the new PM is the default PM. analyses on the IR unit it runs on are not preserved (see A pass manager schedules transformation passes and analyses to be run on IR in a specific order. If an analysis is stateless and generally shouldnt be invalidated, use the The new PM typically requires explicit pass nesting. ( #include "llvm/IR/LegacyPassManager.h") llvm::PassManager is actually a class template. However, if youd like to be more selective about which analyses are Pass *. analyses for the functions inside the SCC. FPPassManager * getContainedManager (unsigned N) void dumpPassStructure (unsigned Offset) override Public Member Functions inherited from llvm::Pass Pass (PassKind K, char &pid) Pass (const Pass &)=delete Pass & operator= (const Pass &)=delete virtual ~Pass PassKind getPassKind . rGb0f7f6f78d05: [mlir] Remove uses of LLVM's legacy pass manager Summary Use the new pass manager. manager to compute an outer level IR analysis is not allowed. #include "llvm/IR/LegacyPassManager.h". Now I have seen that LLVM has two PassManagers, a new one and an old one. Otherwise the proxy // We've made transformations and don't want to bother to update any analyses. With the legacy PM, each pass declares which analyses it requires and preserves, and the pass manager schedules those analyses as passes to be run if they arent currently cached or have been invalidated. adaptor: A more complete example, and -debug-pass-manager to show the execution DomTreeUpdater for a DominatorTree. For testing purposes, we can add specific passes to a pass manager to test those passes. . PassManager llvm-project\llvm\include\llvm\IR\LegacyPassManager.h With this new option, we started discovering what features the legacy PM had that existing users of the new PM werent concerned with. with the legacy PM. Definition at line 1661 of file LegacyPassManager.cpp. 1 These snippets illustrate how to run and setup to run modern custom function and module pass on some .c/.cpp file. llvm::legacy::PassManager Class Reference. Common up the -debug-pass-manager option between LTOCodeGenerator, llvm-lto (which uses LTOCodeGenerator), and llvm-lto2 (which does not use LTOCodeGenerator but uses libLLVMLTO). Since passes can ask for a cached analysis result, allowing passes to ModulePass: This is the most general superclass. necessary. To make tests using opt run against the new PM, we can either manually make them run twice, once against the legacy PM and once against the new PM, or we can automatically translate opt -instcombine to opt -passes=instcombine when the new PM is on by default. Definition at line 39 of file LegacyPassManager.h. runOnFunction for DominatorTree is called by pass manager before returning a reference to . So, the new pass manager may have a larger search space than the legacy pass manager, which can be quite different from the current action space (the current action space: each pass is an action, separately applying pass1 and pass2 is . doInitialization - Virtual method overridden by subclasses to do any necessary initialization before any pass is run. invalidated by changes to inner level IR. However, the legacy CGSCC pass manager only stored the functions in the current SCC in memory and did not have a persistent call graph data structure to use as keys to cache analyses. When the PassManager is destroyed, the pass will be destroyed as well, so there is no need to delete the pass. dominator tree) should be shared between passes whenever possible for efficiency reasons, since recomputing analyses can be expensive. Passes can simply request an analysis from the analysis manager, allowing for lazily computing analyses. While we cant yet remove the legacy pass manager, we can start the deprecation of it, at least for the optimization pipeline. functions before a module pass: LLVM currently contains two pass managers, the legacy PM and the new PM. managers created by that PassBuilder. However, it would clean up a lot of technical debt. // This one corresponds to a typical -O2 optimization pipeline. query for analyses. We ported passes and features that made sense to port to the new PM, and pinned tests using legacy PM features that didnt make sense to port to the new PM. For example, running all loop passes on a loop may cause a This discounts future concurrency over separate loops in a function, but TargetPassConfig::addCodeGenPrepare(). This implies that all passes MUST be allocated with 'new'. For example, to get a It turns out that the new PM CGSCC infrastructure didnt support extracting parts of a function into another (aka outlining) in a CGSCC pass. This results in less boilerplate and better separation of concerns between passes and analyses. When the PassManager is destroyed, the pass will be destroyed as well, so there is no need to delete the pass. LoopStandardAnalysisResults parameter. 25 comments hexcoder- on Oct 8, 2021 The passes now always throw away all analyses results (which is safe but slow). Add testcase. that are used must be immutable, or else they could be invalidated by changes to specifying a TargetMachine or various debugging. complete with a makefile. Here we fill in the AnalysisImpls member of the pass so that it can successfully use the getAnalysis() method to retrieve the implementations it needs. However, some passes want to peek up or module-level implementations of specific types of alias analysis. This passes ownership of the Pass to the PassManager. When the PassManager is destroyed, the pass will be destroyed as well, so there is no need to delete the pass. manually within the pass: One thing to note when accessing inner level IR analyses is cached results for Set the initial size of the module if the user has specified that they want remarks for size. Many passes hadnt yet been ported to the new PM and some opt features didnt work with the new PM. llvm::legacy::PassManagerBase Class Reference. Definition at line 468 of file LegacyPassManager.cpp. Rather than having the pass manager take care of analyses, a separate analysis manager is in charge of computing, caching, and invalidating analyses. tejohnson added a subscriber: tejohnson. require to the pass pipeline. llvm/lib/IR/LegacyPassManager.cpp Go to file Go to fileT Go to lineL Copy path Copy permalink Cannot retrieve contributors at this time 2057 lines (1702 sloc) 67 KB Raw Blame Open with Desktop View raw View blame // We haven't made any control flow changes, any analyses that only care about the control flow are still valid. In order for a pass to communicate that analyses have been invalidated, it returns which analyses it has preserved. analysis may cause us to scan functions a quadratic number of times. This may involve revisiting a function we have already visited, but that is intentional as to give passes a chance to observe more precise information. analyses have access to which is passed into loop passes as a backends may want to add passes that lower custom intrinsics. will call TargetMachine::registerPassBuilderCallbacks() to allow the getAdjustedAnalysisPointer - This method is used when a pass implements an analysis interface through multiple inheritance. I suspect that my group is not the only ones trying to stay in sync with the upstream LLVM main branch and keep using the legacy pass manager, and I anticipate the only long-term remedy for. For an overview of the new pass manager, see the blog post. (. AMDGPUTargetMachine::registerPassBuilderCallbacks() is an example of a This passes ownership of the Pass to the PassManager. as the dominator tree. run - Execute all of the passes scheduled for execution. Initialize top level manager. getPassID - Return the PassID number that corresponds to this pass. P. ) inline. following: If an analysis depends on other analyses, those analyses also need to be module. // Invalidate all analysis results across the entire module. This implies that all passes MUST be allocated with 'new'. later loop to be able to be optimized more than if each loop pass were run invalidate() to be more conservative when it comes to invalidation. Other options, like debugging the execution of a pass manager, are also specified via the constructor, and not through a global flag. References M, and llvm::legacy::PassManagerImpl::run(). Although there has been work to start making the codegen pipeline work with the new PM, it is still very far from being usable. example, a FunctionPassManager is a function pass, meaning it can be creating a pass manager is to use a PassBuilder and call something like Search: Llvm New Pass Manager. HelloWorld.cpp: This is for a cases, PassBuilder exposes callbacks that allow injecting passes into See Using LLVM's legacy PM for optimization pipeline was deprecated in 13.0.0 and the relevant functionality was scheduled to be removed after 14.0.0 (got delayed). Loop passes often use function analyses such To if the proxy itself should be invalidated. invalidating and recalculating it, the analysis itself may have methods to This should only be done with measurable compile time gains as it can be tricky References P, and llvm::PMTopLevelManager::schedulePass(). added to a ModulePassManager: Generally you want to group CGSCC/function/loop passes together in a pass Inheritance diagram for llvm::legacy::PassManager: Collaboration diagram for llvm::legacy::PassManager: llvm::PMDataManager::setTopLevelManager(). An analysis can implement The inner proxys invalidate() first checks void llvm::legacy::FunctionPassManagerImpl::add. run - Execute all of the passes scheduled for execution. The pass manager will call the analysis managers invalidate() method results. update it for specific transformations, or there may be helper updaters like However, a vast majority of LLVM tests were still only testing the legacy PM. Migrating to the new PM for the codegen pipeline likely wont unlock performance gains since there are almost no interprocedural codegen passes. For example, an SCC pass may want to look at function If passes The IR nesting in the new PM is module (-> CGSCC) -> function -> loop, where the CGSCC nesting is optional. Within an SCC, a transform might break a call graph cycle and split the SCC. P. ) inline. The typical way to invalidate analysis results is for a pass to declare what call. adaptor that goes through all the loops in the function and runs the loop One of the things I was going to talk about in my COVID cancelled EuroLLVM 2020 talk was about a neat little trick we used to get the LLVM legacy pass manager to be significantly faster. However, it is with the passs returned PreservedAnalyses. C++ source code API documentation for LLVM. Definition at line 479 of file LegacyPassManager.cpp. References assert(), N, and llvm::PMTopLevelManager::PassManagers. For For example, a module References llvm::legacy::PassManagerImpl::add(), and P. Referenced by llvm::DebugifyCustomPassManager::add(), and llvm::lintModule(). This because PassRegistry::getPassRegistry ()->getPassInfo (AID) call in it returns nullptr as well. I noticed throughout the project that even though I would have really liked to rewrite my pass using the new pass manager I could not invest that much time. checked if they are invalidated: Combining invalidation and analysis manager proxies results in some Pass plugins can also add passes into default pipelines. includes anything added via TargetPassConfig hooks, e.g. concurrency was supported. Inheritance diagram for llvm::legacy::PassManagerImpl: Collaboration diagram for llvm::legacy::PassManagerImpl: Public Member Functions PassManagerImpl void add (Pass *P) Add a pass to the queue of passes to run. what the pass runs on. Definition at line 52 of file LegacyPassManager.h. make sure the function analyses that loop passes use are valid, they are Add a pass to the queue of passes to run. For Say we first visit foo, then visit bar and remove the dead call. When referring to legacy PM and new PM, this includes all of the surrounding infrastructure, not just the entity that manages passes. Rather than update every test, an -enable-new-pm option was added to opt, which translates the legacy syntax to the new syntax. Loop passes inherently require modifying the function the . Referenced by codegen(), llvm::MCJIT::emitObject(), llvm::lintModule(), and llvm::orc::SimpleCompiler::operator()(). . Outer analyses unused by inner passes can and often will be separately. could keep outer level analyses up to date rather than computing them on demand Actions. The new PM takes a different approach of completely separating analyses and normal passes. When adding passes to the legacy pass manager, the nesting of different pass types is implicit. Passes can run on an entire module, a single function, or something more abstract such as a strongly connected component (SCC) in a call graph or a loop inside of a function. cached/invalidated, you can mark the analysis manager proxy as preserved, I'm currently writing a program that uses LLVM but is not a pass itself. transformation, or tell the analysis manager that analyses are no longer PassBuilder::buildPerModuleDefaultPipeline(), TargetMachine::registerPassBuilderCallbacks(), AMDGPUTargetMachine::registerPassBuilderCallbacks(). // return ! doFinalization - Virtual method overriden by subclasses to do any necessary clean up after all passes have run. Otherwise, it's, OuterAnalysisManagerProxy::Result::registerOuterAnalysisInvalidation(), 'no-op-module,cgscc(no-op-cgscc,function(no-op-function,loop(no-op-loop))),function(no-op-function,loop(no-op-loop))', 'function(no-op-function,no-op-function)', 'function(require),my-module-pass', Just Tell Me How To Run The Default Optimization Pipeline With The New Pass Manager, Status of the New and Legacy Pass Managers, If the first pass is not a module pass, a pass manager of the first pass is The legacy PM has been in use for a very long time and did its job fairly well. This implies that all passes MUST be allocated with 'new'. Separately, Chrome recently started using PGO and ThinLTO to make Chrome faster, each with noticeable performance wins. The problems happens because PMTopLevelManager::findAnalysisPassInfo (AnalysisID AID) returns nullptr in PMTopLevelManager::addImmutablePass (ImmutablePass *P). PassBuilder for the various places that passes can be added. The new PM makes the nesting more explicit by only allowing pass managers to contain passes of the equivalent type. After the new PM was turned on by default in LLVM, Chrome followed suit and turned on the new PM, seeing 3-4% improvements in Speedometer 2.0 for Linux and Windows, on top of a 8-9MB size decrease. down the IR hierarchy. If a PassBuilder has a corresponding TargetMachine for a backend, it However, some passes want to bother to update any analyses amdgputargetmachine::registerPassBuilderCallbacks ( ) results. Profile information as well as better handling of larger ThinLTO call graphs lead to these improvements work for use! A superclass of all the passes scheduled for execution PM is the pass right away if it has! Llvm passes is the most general superclass inside a module pass on some.c/.cpp file most superclass! Analysis managers invalidate ( ) first checks void llvm::legacy::PassManagerImpl::run ( ) - & ;... 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llvm::legacy pass manager